Modbus TCP Communication with EZAutomation marquee screen

1- I assigned the IP Address to the Maquee screen using the AVG IP Config tool

2- I sent the settings to the screen using EZMarquee software (Picture#2)

3- I reboot the screen and see the information shown on the screen (Pictures 3, 4 & 5)

4- Created the device in ignition software and devices shown as a valid connection (Connected using IP Address and port 49999) (Picture 6 & 7)

5-I’m reading a message from a tag “^A000000^E1^L1^K1^dC1B26 S1325^N^K1^dC1277/600,” but unable

to write it to the screen. (Picture 8 & 9)

The tag path for my Output is [marquee]2.HRS2:120.

If someone has experience with those EZMarquee screens, please assist.

Thank you

I haven't used these before but spotted unit ID;


You have a unit ID of 2 (the digit directly after [marquee]), however in your first screenshot it says unit ID 10, but also on the right unit 1, then again this is Modbus TCP so unit ID should not exist (I have only used it when dealing with TCP to RTU devices, the unit ID identifies which unit in the RTU chain you are talking to).

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That is a good point @Matrix_Engineering.

That is a good point @Matrix_Engineering.

Actually, I don't know what the user ID is. That's why I attached pictures of the information on the screen when it starts. I can see group "01" and unit "0001". Not sure if the Unit ID is the same as Unit "0001". If we check the info there is another variable with the name UN "255". I assume it could be "1" or "255" not sure where I can get it.


HRS FORMAT: HRS"Modbus address":"length"

My tag path should work with something like[marquee]1.HRS1:120 Or [marquee]255.HRS255:120

I tested both "1" and "255" but it's not working.

Do you have Allow Write Multiple Registers Request turned on in the connection configuration in Ignition? It mentions if this is off you might not be able to write strings

I'm looking at the configuration we have for our small marquee from AD that we have.

Marquee Modus Options

For tags we are omitting the unit ID number before the address (e.g. [marquee]HR100), but we are only writing integers to ours.

You might need to try toggling the string options or the reverse word order options

Not true. Zero is recommended for Modbus TCP, but any unit (or multiple units) can be defined by the target. A modbus TCP to RTU gateway will typically pass it through to the target RTU device.

(If omitted, Ignition's driver inserts unit zero in the protocol. My driver defaults to unit 1.)

`Allow Write Multiple Registers Request was turned off, but I just turned it on and it didn't work. I'll leave it enabled. What Modbus Address # do you recommend using if you check my info on the screen?

Maybe try [marquee]10.HRS2:120 since your unit's id is 10. According to the docs from EZAutomation register 40002 is the first register you can write to. 40001 is a register that counts number of messages processed and can only be read.