Modbus TCP Connection Timeout Issue

Hi all,
I'm experiencing a Modbus timeout issue with my Modbus TCP device. I have two converters that convert RTU to TCP, with 12 energy meters connected to one and 21 energy meters connected to the other. When I try to subscribe to data through tags, I consistently encounter timeout errors. I've set up a new tag group to subscribe to data every 15 seconds, but the timeout issue persists. Any suggestions on how to resolve this would be greatly appreciated.
Device connection Snap,

Tag Group Configuration:

Error message im recieving

Most modbus devices close the connection if not polled every 10 seconds or greater. Try change your polling to 5 seconds as a test.

You are using the TCP driver yes?

What is the RTU/TCP converter you are using?

Hi @Matrix_Engineering ,
Yes, I'm using TCP driver and 3onedata converter
I tried changing the polling rate as suggested.
but now i'm facing overload issue as additional

Have you been able to read any tag values with the driver? I'm asking to try to determine if this is a general communication issue between the driver and your device, or if this is specific to your tag config.

Can you share your tag configuration? If you haven't been able to read any data successfully yet, I would recommend focusing on getting one tag to work. Then, once we've figured out how to make one tag happy, we can extrapolate that to your other tags.

Hi @Cody_Morgan,
This issue isn't related to my tag configuration. I can successfully read data from the energy meter registers when polling data from just 5 meters. However, when I add more meters, I encounter overload and timeout problems.

Also attaching my UDT definition FYI.


Then you can't connect more than five per RTU channel. Having a Modbus TCP gateway between Ignition and the RTU circuits won't magically make the RTU circuits run faster.


  • Buy more Modbus TCP gateways (or multichannel gateways) to spread the load across enough RTU circuits for the performance you are trying to achieve.
  • Examine the individual RTU devices to see if they can be configured for a higher baud rate (all together).
  • Look for other communication options on the individual devices.