I am having problem with Modbus TCP driver.
I have configured 2 x IDEC PLC (Acid_Scrubber and Cyanide_Scrubber) connected to Ignition Server.
Both PLC are having TWO different addresses. and
From the Gateway OPC Devices, it can be seen that PLCs are connected to Ignition Server.
However, I cannot access the Modbus address/value from the designer by using direct Modbus address.
- For example: Not able to read/write [Acid_Scrubber]HR10 or [Cyanide_Scrubber]HR16
I can only access the Modbus address/values when I use the Modbus unit ID.
- For example: Able to read/write [Acid_Scrubber] 1 .HR10 and/or [Cyanide_Scrubber] 2 .HR16
I understand that if Modbus TCP devices are using different IP Address then unit ID shouldn’t matter in the addressing format.
To me, it doesn’t really matter that I have to use the unit ID addressing.
However, the problem is unit ID always changes after a period of time.
For example: [Acid_Scrubber] 1 .HR10 is working fine at one moment and after sometimes, the address is unable to read/write unless I change the Modbus address to [Acid_Scrubber] 2 .HR10
Further Observation;
• From Modbus TCP address mapping, I can poll data for both PLCs using unit ID 1.
• However, Tags are usually bad, unspecific.
• When I click on the subscribe from gateway quick client, some tags go to Good,specific.
• For some other tags, even after clicking on subscribe, it is still bad, unspecific.
• If I click on “Read” on gateway quick client, the value returned is Good, specific.
• But, after about 3 second, tag goes back to bad, unspecific.
Log file can be downloaded here >>> https://we.tl/t-VOAevEkpjN
Anyone has faced this problem before and any solution?