I am attempting to read holding registers from an Advantech ADAM-4572 using the OPC/UA ModbusTCP driver to no avail. I am trying to establish a test setup before attempting field work, and I am not sure if my ADAM configuration, Ignition ModbusTCP driver configuration, or both are wrong.
Virtual Testing
- For a sanity check, I plugged in two USB RS-232 adapters and made sure the ModbusRTU slave was working using virtual Modbus master/slave programs. I set the first 12 holding registers and was able to read them successfully.
(The excellent Modbus Tool repo is here: GitHub - ClassicDIY/ModbusTool: A modbus master and slave test tool with import and export functionality, supports TCP, UDP and RTU. )
ADAM-4572 Settings
- Settings:
Ignition OPC/UA ModbusTCP Driver Settings
- Settings (all advanced settings are default):
Ignition OPC Tags
- Tags:
Wireshark diagnostics
ADAM is configured configured with static IP (.240). Wireshark indicates that communication is occurring between the Ignition server (.31) and ADAM (.240). Interestingly, Ignition sends ModbusTCP requests, and the ADAM returns TCP (not ModbusTCP) responses.
I used ModbusMaster to create a virtual ModbusTCP master to try to connect to the ADAM and got similar Wireshark results as above.
Does anyone have any ideas? Please let me know if you need more information or screenshots. Thank you.