Modify Existing Perspective Components

Hi all,

I am attempting to get into module development in order to get a specific functionality out of one of the pre-existing components. I have found and studied the examples for adding a perspective component, but I am struggling to find any references anywhere on how, if it's possible, to modify existing components. I am specifically hoping to add a property or event to the file upload component that flags when a file is chosen and first begins uploading. This way I would be able to know exactly when the file upload component is in the process of receiving a file and let other components wait on it for specific actions.

Is it even possible to edit existing resources this way? Or is the Ignition Module SDK meant to be purely additive when regarding perspective components? Any other good resources to push me in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.

Ignition SDK is meant to be additive. For perspective components you can inherit some of the appearance of the gateway by using the ignition-react package. Inheriting and overriding a bit of what the existing perspective components do is going to be hard due to the mapping potentially being different every version.

"The components used in the Ignition Gateway Status section (such as Tables, Charts, etc) are implemented as reusable React components through the 'ignition-react' javascript package, so it may be easier for you to maintain a consistent appearance with the rest of Ignition's web components through their reuse."