Modify Ignition Edge's Service Security programmatically?

I have been searching for a way to utilize the remote tag provider of a device running Edge without spending a fortune on cell data costs. I have the Edge historian synchronizing back to our main Ignition gateway at a reasonable rate, so that part is fine - love it!
But, when I enabled Tag Access to allow the full version of Ignition to read/write to the tags within the Edge project, the data size - and cost since it’s using a cellular modem - gets unreasonable rather quickly.
If I could put a button on the Edge screen (or on a main Ignition window) that enables or disables the Tag Access portion of the Outgoing Connection, this would allow the end user to allow us to see real-time data while the Connection is enabled for Tag Access with out the hassle of a full-fledged VPN. It could time out through inactivity of they could push the button again to disable it and data costs would return to normal (just historized elements)
Is something like this possible?