I am having an issue with my settings title on the IConfig tab where It doesn’t seem to be finding the title definition and I am struggling to figure out where the issue lies.
I have been trying to make sure I had my casing consistent everywhere so that I was referencing the right objects but can’t seem to fix my title. It takes me to the right page, just won’t say “Settings” for everything I have tried.
Here is my hook:
public static final IConfigTab NEO4J_CONFIG_ENTRY = DefaultConfigTab.builder()
.terms("Neo4J settings")
The settings page:
public static final Pair<String, String> MENU_LOCATION =
Pair.of(GatewayHook.CONFIG_CATEGORY.getName(), "neo4j");
public Neo4JSettingsPage(final IConfigPage configPage) {
super(configPage, null, new LenientResourceModel("Neo4J.nav.settings.panelTitle"),
((IgnitionWebApp) Application.get()).getContext().getPersistenceInterface().find(Neo4JSettingsRecord.META, 0L)
and my Neo4J.properties file under the resources folder
nav.settings.panelTitle=Neo4J Settings
Any ideas what I am missing here? If I need to provide any other snippets just let me know.