Motor Start/Stop for OEE Measurement

Afternoon Team,

I have an idea I am trying to vet out. I have a unit where we capture data from the PLC.

Using graphing I can see when the unit starts, when it stops and for how long, as well and the end day. I also have the total units produced.

I would like to view this data in a table showing this information.

Beginning Time
End Time
Any start and stop throughout the day and how long it stopped.

Any ideas?

Do you have a sample of data you can share?

Sample data.xlsx (22.5 KB)
Sampe Multiple Days.xlsx (6.6 KB)

I have added a single day and multiple days.

The data gathering of the data is really nice but to turn it into usable information is a little difficult.

Our day starts around 5:30 am. At that point the counts will start to increase.

Throughout the day there are 2 possibly 3 breaks that are a specific time. At the end of the day the data plateaus off and that is my end time.

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Do you differentiate between small stops and full down?

We have three breaks. All approximately

1st at 8:30 am for 20 minutes
2nd at 12:00 for 36 minutes
3rd is random based out projected out time. It is 10 minutes.

Using Sample data.xlsx, and just comparing rows. Should give you a start.

from datetime import timedelta

# Read Excel file and put into dataset with millis formatted t_stamp
# This is to simulate the return from a historian query
filePath = 'C:/Test/ahawes/Sample data.xlsx'

datasetIn = util.excelToDataSet(filePath, True)

headers = list(datasetIn.getColumnNames())
data = []
for row in range(datasetIn.getRowCount()):
	data.append([datasetIn.getValueAt(row,0).toInstant().toEpochMilli(), datasetIn.getValueAt(row,1)])

datasetIn = system.dataset.toDataSet(headers, data)

# Check for rows that have the same quantity and add 
# the intervening number of milliseconds.
for i in range(1, datasetIn.getRowCount()):
	if datasetIn.getValueAt(i,1) == datasetIn.getValueAt(i-1,1):
		millisDown += datasetIn.getValueAt(i,0) - datasetIn.getValueAt(i-1,0)

print millisDown
print timedelta(seconds=millisDown/1000)



Alternative for using a PyDataSet. Whichever is easier to understand / maintain.

pyData = system.dataset.toPyDataSet(datasetIn)

millisDown = 0

# Check for rows that have the same quantity and add 
# the intervening number of milliseconds.
for row, prevRow in zip(pyData[1:], pyData):
	if row[1] == prevRow[1]:
		millisDown += row[0] - prevRow[0]

Amazing Jordan, thank you for the help. I will write it and implement the code.