Moving Tag to New Folder Broke History

Today I moved some tags from one folder to another in the tag browser, and when I did that it broke the history on some but not all of them. All of the tags I moved were in Easy Charts and I noticed some of the tags continued tracking on the chart after changing the tag paths in the pen settings, but some tags did not start tracking again, and the only fix I could find was turning history off, click apply, then turn it back on and click apply again.

Has anyone else encountered this? Why does this happen?

The only fix I found for that is to update the old record with the new id

In dbo.sqlth_te find your old and new tagid, then update tagid on every dbo.sqlt_data_.....


Tags are logged based on their tag path in the gateway. If you move the tag, it is a new tag path and then it is logged as a different tag in the historian.