Hmm, I guess that makes sense setting the range colour to the priority colour - I never thought about that.
(shameless plug) I have finally added my analogue indicator to the exchange, awaiting review. While I use the same philosophy (H/L and HH/LL use same colour), you could easily modify my component to use 4 colours. It also overcomes some of the issues with the MAI.
I embedded this component into an Analogue Instrument View template to use with an AI UDT which has the PV, alarm ranges, etc. so that would make it easy to template the alarms and their priority colours into it. For mine I just used an ASM alarm symbol that has the priority colour/number/shape
You could but that just seems unnecessarily complicated. You'd need to look at the PV to figure out if the color needs to represent the HighHigh or the LowLow value.
Exactly... using two independent components is also fraught with issues when the page size chagnes too when trying to keep them aligned (it doesn't work) - note that in my component the bar and scale are part of the same SVG so there's no chance these will ever become misaligned.
Also, this is the issue I see with using alarm priority colours:
HH = Critical, H = Medium
The colours blend together, not enough contrast, maybe?
Thanks for developing this. I'm working on a solution today where I'm combining components and finding the indicator triangle of the built in MovingAnalogIndicator to be a hastle. Is your indicator triangle visibility able to be toggled on and off?
Not as-is, but it would be trivial to add a custom prop to control its visibility.
Just a note: I did find a bug in the above attached file where it doesn't handle negative minimum ranges. I haven't had any time to roll up the fix yet