Hello IA Forum,
I have a gateway tag change script that publishes to mqtt every minute.
if newValue.quality.isGood() and newValue.value == 0:
parent_path = str(event.tagPath.getParentPath()) + "/currMachSpeed"
curr_mach_speed_path = parent_path + "/CurrMachSpeed"
curr_mach_speed_unit_path = parent_path + "/CurrMachSpeedUnit"
timestamp_path = parent_path + "/Timestamp"
version_path = parent_path + "/Version"
value_paths = [curr_mach_speed_path, curr_mach_speed_unit_path, timestamp_path, version_path]
values = system.tag.readBlocking(value_paths)
curr_mach_speed = values[0].value
curr_mach_speed_unit = str(values[1].value)
timestamp = system.date.format(values[2].value, "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX")
version = str(values[3].value)
line_name = str(event.tagPath.getParentPath().getParentPath().getParentPath())
line_name = line_name.replace("[default]Lines/", "")
line_name = "Front_LH"
publish_value = {
"Version": version,
"Timestamp": timestamp,
"CurrMachSpeed": {
"Value": curr_mach_speed,
"Unit": curr_mach_speed_unit
mqtt_engine_name = "CBAM Test"
topic = "m/cbm/main/assembly/C1/line/" + line_name + "/currMachSpeed"
payload = str(system.util.jsonEncode(publish_value)).encode()
system.cirruslink.engine.publish(mqtt_engine_name, topic, payload, 0, 0)
This publishes to mqtt succesfully
but I continue to get these errors in the ignition gateway.
this seems to have to do something specifically with this line.
payload = str(system.util.jsonEncode(publish_value)).encode()
Before I was casting the publish_value to a string before encoding it but we need the object that is posted to our topic to be json type not a string. It's strange because it seems to still be publishing just fine to our mqtt but our logs are filled with these errors.