MQTT Engine - Filtered Properties


I was under the impression that the non-filtered tag properties sent over MQTT Transmission would populate automatically in the MQTT Engine tags on BIRTH. So far, I tried many different scenarios with no luck to get this working.

Ignition Edge 8.1.33 - MQTT Transmission 4.0.20
Ignition Standard 8.1.32 - MQTT Engine 4.0.20
Default Sparkplug B namespace and other default settings

Edge Transmitter Config:
Convert UDTs - Enabled
Device level UDTs as Devices - Enabled

Under Advanced Settings/Filtered Properties:
I have removed all the historical-related properties as well as the event scripts leaving only:


MQTT Engine → Advance Settings/ Filtered Properties:
Also removed the same properties so the MQTT engine autocreates the tags accordingly:


When I subscribe to the DBIRTH topic I can see the properties are sent to the broker as expected:

On the Ignition tag browser only the Read Only property is properly updated on every tag under the corresponding Node/device of the MQTT Engine provider

What is the expected behaviour then?

Cross link to the Cirrus Link thread: