MQTT Engine with Sparkplug

I am using the Cirrus link MQTT Engine module to receive some data from an EQMX broker, however this data is received with sparkplub B and when I check the payload, it is received with some special characters and not as a json file. How do I transform these characters into a json that makes me the structure of the data I am receiving?

Make sure you have everyting configured for sparkplug B. It doesn't look like something is right with your configuration on the engine side most likely as the tags should come in the same way they do on the transmitter side. You might need to show your configuration screenshots on both ends for us to help.

Edit: Make sure only Sparkplug B is enabled in the namespaces. The tags will come in under the Edge Nodes folder, not Bridge (well, Bridge will show up under Edge Nodes).

MQTT Engine Configuration

MQTT Transmission Configuration


I need to connect the MQTT Transmission module to an EMQX broker (localhost:1881) to send the data in sparkplugB, that broker to be the bridge to another EMQX broker (localhost:1882) and receive the same data through the MQTT Engine module connected to that second broker. The bridge works well as long as the data is not sent by sparkplugB only by json, but when I send data with sparkplugB I get the payload with these special characters.

What namespaces do you have enabled on the Engine side? That's where I suspect the issue could be. Have you tried skipping the bridge for now and connecting both to the same server first and get it working that way before adding the bridge to the setup?

When you say not sent by sparkplugB, on the advanced settings of the servers on the transmission side, are you talking about the sparkPlugB Protobuf vs sparkplugB JSON? Or are you talking about just publishing values by hand using an MQTT tool?