MQTT Modbus Gateway

Hi everyone,

Can anyone recommend a Modbus RTU gateway that supports MQTT ?

I have about 30 identical Modbus RTU devices I need to connect to Ignition and thought an MQTT Modbus gateway would be a good option.

Ideally with the following features:

  • Din Rail Mount
  • Option to have two serial networks from one gateway (not essential)
  • User Friendly GUI
  • Sparkplug B
  • Someone has used it with Ignition without issue.

This will be my first try at MQTT and I’m open to any suggestions / advise


Possibly overkill since it uses cellular uplink instead of a LAN, but my company’s DIN Ranger fits most of your other requirements.

It only has one serial network, and the GUI is only available via USB connection for initial setup, but definitely :+1: on all other requirements.

Maybe you need to monitor modbus devices away from where a network is currently available and this is a win-win? :slight_smile:

On the other hand, this does require that your MQTT broker is accessible to the internet at large, which may be a showstopper if your IT team doesn’t want to have to do security properly. Rangers support authenticating via client TLS certificates and can do security the “Right Way” if your IT is willing to work with it, though.

EDIT: If you need MORE connectivity on the modbus side but don’t need cellular, the people over at Opto22 are sharp and definitely work with Ignition a lot. I don’t know their product line as well, but SignalFire people have co-presented with them on technical webinars about Sparkplug and Ignition, and I’ve interacted with their engineers on Sparkplug committee discussions on occasion.

Maple Systems cMT-G01 Gateway (they have several I;m sure one would work for you!)

I use cMT-G01 MQTT Gateway (Sparkplug B) I have about 50 out in the oilfields very remote locations and have not had the first problem.

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