Hello all,
I am trying to set up email notifications using MS365/Exchange Online modern Auth (OAuth SMTP).
I have followed this guide on configuring the application on the Entra/Exchange side of things: Authenticate an IMAP, POP or SMTP connection using OAuth | Microsoft Learn
I followed this guide to set up the Ignition side of things: New Features: OAuth2 Clients and OAuth SMTP Email Profiles
Within Ignition OAuth2 Clients page, both the authorization and token test are successful. The returned permissions seem to match with what is expected.
However, when I attempt to send a test email I get Error: 501 5.5.4 Invalid Domain Name
Thinking it was the Exchange domain that was incorrect, I tried multiple domains that I found online and I was either unable to connect to the Exchange server or received the same error code. (ended back on smtp.office365.com)
Looking at the logs, the error seems to be in response to the EHLO message. Some additional searching revealed that this is generally due to a poorly formatted SMTP hostname send by the client (i.e. the name of the machine requesting to send an email, the Ignition gateway here). Or the hostname not being publicly resolvable by the Exchange server.
If that is the case, my question is what hostname does Ignition provide in the EHLO message?
Has anyone experienced a similar error?
Running Ignition 8.1.37 (b2024013011)