Multiple Easy Chart startDate synchronization

I have a vision window with 8 different Easy Charts. One of them has all the tag pens of the 7 other ones combined. I would like a way to bind all the Start Dates together so the user doesn't have to change all of them each time.

At the start, I wanted to bind all the Start Dates of the 7 charts to the overview one.
I tried property binding each chart's Start Date to the overview chart startDate property, but that didn't work.
Then I thought it would be better to to bind all of them together so that, if you change one of them, the other 7 charts also change.

Is scripting the right way to go? I tried this in one of the chart's propertyChange:
event.source.parent.getComponent('Easy Chart 1').startDate=event.source.startDate
event.source.parent.getComponent('Easy Chart 2').startDate=event.source.startDate

Based on this thread I should put the code inside an if statement checking the property in question. But I don't have any particular value to compare to, I want the script to run whenever startDate changes.

Are you in Historical mode on all of the charts? Consider using manual mode on all but the overview, and simply bind the start date and end date properties of the manual mode charts to the corresponding properties of the overview chart (no scripting).

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I was in Realtime mode, but manual mode worked like a charm. Thanks a lot !
I didn't know about this. New knowledge yay :grinning: