Multiple Incoming connections have the same Common Name and Serial number


I am trying to setup some outgoing communication from different ignition systems and i found on the incoming ignition server i see several have the same common name and serial number, any ideas on how to change those ?

Someone cloned VMs or something.


Thanks, i see two files in linux named ".uuid" under /usr/local/bin/ignition/data/ and another one in /usr/local/bin/ignition/opcua/ . Are these the files that need to be removed?

Not this one.

(at least for this issue... they probably shouldn't be duplicated across gateways, but if you remove this you also need to regenerate the certificates)

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Thanks , this workaround change the Serial number but not the common name, any ideas on how to reset that? the common name is set to "ubuntu", not sure from what file is reading it. None of the linux boxes have the hostname set to "ubuntu".

Make sure that the Gateway Names are different one from another. To restart, request connections and Reset Request

The OS maintains its own hostname, which is used in new installs to construct Ignition's system name. And the certificates for a system are also files. All of this needs to be regenerated/updated when deploying from filesystem images. There's no shortcut in Ignition itself.

so the final solution was:

remove .uuid file in ignition/data/
and the metro-keystore file in ignition/webserver/

with that the Common Name and Serial Number changed on the EAM Controller.