Multiple records in sqlth_te with the same "created" timestamp for the same tag

I have multiple records in the sqlth_te table with the same “created” timestamp for the same tag. It is happening sporadically on various tags. Sometime there is a correlation that it will happen on a few different tags that were created at the same time. But also strange is the variance of the “retired” timestamps.

I am wondering how this could happen? I am wondering if anyone else has seen this?

I am seeing this in databases for two different Gateways, one is Ignition v7.6.7, and the other Gateway is v7.9.2.

Below are some records from my database taken from sqlth_te. I have shortened the tagpath for readability. For all records scid=4, datatype=1, querymode=0. The columns included are “id”, “tagpath”, “created”, “created” formatted to actual date, “retired”, “retired” formatted to actual date

> 56431	my-opc-server/deviceset/ecogamma1/rate   1463662473279	2016-05-19 12:54:33.000	1463680165224	2016-05-19 17:49:25.000
> 56518	my-opc-server/deviceset/ecogamma1/rate   1463662473279	2016-05-19 12:54:33.000	1463680520471	2016-05-19 17:55:20.000
> 56639	my-opc-server/deviceset/ecogamma1/rate   1463662473279	2016-05-19 12:54:33.000	1463685941308	2016-05-19 19:25:41.000
> 56735	my-opc-server/deviceset/ecogamma1/rate   1463662473279	2016-05-19 12:54:33.000	1463688480800	2016-05-19 20:08:00.000
> 56838	my-opc-server/deviceset/ecogamma1/rate   1463662473279	2016-05-19 12:54:33.000	1464210048385	2016-05-25 21:00:48.000