Using mutiple selection drop downs to try and build a query where statement.
What is a good way to loop through the selected options and pull those selections out to build the query?
Say I have 5 options in the drop down and the user selects 2 of them.
I used something like this for a onClick event on a button to filter a query based on multiselect dropdown.
# Get reference to 'businessUnit' multiple dropdown filter
tab_container = self.getSibling("TabContainer")
business_units = [bu[3:] for bu in tab_container.custom.tableFilter] if tab_container.custom.tableFilter else ['DEFAULT_SITE']
# Construct SQL with placeholders
query = """
FROM WorkOrder WO
WHERE WO.businessUnit IN ({businessUnits})
""".format(businessUnits=", ".join(["?" for _ in business_units]))
# Execute query
results = system.db.runPrepQuery(query, business_units, "DATABASE_NAME")
if tab_container:
tab_container.getChild("TablaOT") = system.dataset.toDataSet(results)
self.getSibling("textArea-1").props.text = "Query executed successfully and table data updated."
except Exception as e:
self.getSibling("textArea-1").props.text = f"Error executing query: {e}"
hope it helps.
Further information now that I'm awake more. Im lookint to have 3 or 4 mutilple selection drop down objects. The user will select possibly multiple from each then press a "Start" button.
It would then build a query based off the outputs selected
You'll need to give more information.
- How are the dropdown values related to the database columns?
- Are you trying to create a query of the form,
SELECT col1, col2, col3
FROM myTable
col1 IN (dd1[2], dd0[5], dd0[6])
col2 IN (dd2[7])
col3 IN (dd3[0], dd0[2], dd0[11])
where those ddx[n]
values are determined by the dropdowns?
- What is to happen if a dropdown has no selection?
- Why do you need a "Start" button? You can let it update on every selection.
The overall result is to pull production data from multiple plant areas and combine.
First drop down would be forge where it is 4 lines. Id like to be all to select all or 1 or any number in between. 2nd drop down is Turning, it has 5 lines. Same concept being able to select any combination of lines to create the query for the database of part output.
If a selection is blank it should be ignored by the query builder.
The start button was just a way for me to focus my process thoughts currently. Its not a requirement.
You didn't adequately answer questions 1 and 2.
Just a quick tip:
", ".join(["?" for _ in business_units])
You don't need the square brackets here, join
can work with a generator.
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