Multiple selection in Dropdown

Hello all,

I’m using a dropdown list as filter for a table, it works ok filtering just one data, but I want to filter more than one data using multiselect for my dropdown list, is this possible?

This is the Query for table

And this is the script for the Dropdown list


Did you end up finding a solution for this?

I've done something like that on one of my recent project.

First i create a list separated by a separator (comma here) on a custom property

If the property value of the dropdown is null (Nothing selected) i loop through all available option and my table contains everything. Because for this project nothing selected is equal to all option visible.

I then give this list as entry parameters of a named query and i use the string_to_array function and unnest to get a array of value i do then my normal query.
FYI i'm using postgresql
The full query i'm not allow to show you.

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