Multiple Vision projects on taskbar

HI Guys,
When opeaning different vision projects, it opens as different icons on taskbar. I would like it to represent as one icon and when placing cursor, it must show list of projects.
Can you please help with this.


That is purely a function of your operating system. In my KDE desktop (Linux), that is a simple checkbox option in the taskbar settings.

Thanks for reply, Couldn't find option in my windows11.

Well, that there might be the problem. :roll_eyes:



It's not available "yet"™ for Windows 11.

They are supposedly restoring the option in the future. Might as well wait for Windows 12, or whatever they decide to call it, though you probably wont get it then either. In short I wouldn't hold my breath.

EDIT: @Kevin.Herron is correct, I misread. :man_facepalming:t2:


I think they are restoring the opposite option - the option to force ungrouping of grouped task bar items.

Right now they are automatically grouped, but I don't know what the criteria is. It sees all the Ignition applications as separate/distinct for whatever reason.


Sounds like JDK needs to support setting AppUserModelID somehow first: [JDK-8188247] Need a way to set AppUserModelID for java and javaw on Windows. - Java Bug System

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Thanks for that, can't do it now as don't have admin access. would need to get IT guy Tomorrow if this work.