Musson Industrial’s Embr-Charts Module

Alright, good news and bad news.

Bad News :slightly_frowning_face:
There is a bug in the chartjs-chart-graph plugin. The chart only renders once, and any subsequent renders throw errors. I've submitted an issue to the library author, you can track it here. I believe it's a simple fix.

Good News :grin:

  1. The issue can be side-stepped by enabling the newly added redraw property. When redraw is enabled, the chart will be completely destroyed/recreated on each render. Bad for performance but useful for debugging.
  2. This issue pointed out some extra re-rendering that was happening, it's been solved with some memoization. There should be a performance boost here.
  3. The components for the tree chart weren't registered, so those were never working. TreeChart and TreeController are now registered correctly.

I will publish a new version once a fix is available.