Muted VideoPlayer in Perspective

I am using a video player within ignition to auto play a video when a user visits the page. The video auto-plays, but also mutes itself; the video I am playing doesn't necessarily look like it should have auto, so I'm worried about users missing the unmute button and not getting the audio.

I've tried several scripts to set the mute value to false and the increase the volume "onStartup " and "onClick", but nothing seems to be working (The video has been defaulted to already have the value be set to false and the volume set to 75 but those values are not reflected in the session). Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Most modern browsers do this as an "anti-annoyance" feature when the user has multiple tabs open. Overriding anything the web server (Ignition) asks it to do.

Paranoia is part and parcel of browser-based technologies. Being a SCADA package doesn't change that.

I see, that makes sense, but is unfortunate for me. Thanks!

It's part of the reason Vision is not going away. There are some thing Perspective cannot do that it probably will never do. (But other missing things are being addressed over time.)