MYSQL Time stamp difference

I am trying to make a time clock within Ignition. I have a table that stores the employee clock number and the time they punch in, and the time they punch out. I am trying to get the difference in hours:minutes:seconds between these two fields.

I have looked at :


And I can not get it to work. Do those values have to be converted to subtract out?

Any ideas?

Here is an example using MySQL’s TIMESTAMPDIFF and SEC_TO_TIME functions:

SELECT SEC_TO_TIME(TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND, '2010-04-09 02:02:56', '2010-04-09 03:25:32')); This returns 01:22:36.

The functions are documented at

Here is the code I had:

create view punchclock as select id_employee, clockin, clockout, SEC_TO_TIME(TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND,clockin,clockout)) as mytime from tbl_timeclock where clockout is not null

It returned output formatted like this:
1970-01-01 01:21:34

So I tryed this:

create view punchclock as select id_employee, clockin, clockout, DATE_FORMAT(SEC_TO_TIME(TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND,clockin,clockout)),'%H:%i:%s') as mytime from tbl_timeclock where clockout is not null

This returned either of these two:

00:00:00 or NULL

I am stumped

MySql is unique in that it allows 0 as a time. ie: 00/00/0000 00:00:00

This can give some very funny (in a bad way) results when you start doing time math. Ensure that the time you are using are real time and not 0.

0 can get in there if you define your column as NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.

My column is set to allow nulls, with default null.

The above example code was ran against the same data with those results. I am confused how it could calculate with the first code and show nulls in the second.

The problem is because you are using a view. If you take that query out of the view and just run it the results should be just fine. However, the view is taking the final result thinking it is a date but it is a string. So in the view you can cast it to a string:create view punchclock as select id_employee, clockin, clockout, CAST(SEC_TO_TIME(TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND,clockin,clockout)) as CHAR) as mytime from tbl_timeclock where clockout is not null

You could try using TIMEDIFF(), it returns the results in the format you’re looking for, makes the query easier to read. Works on time and date-time values, both values have to be the same type.

SELECT TIMEDIFF('2010-04-10 03:25:32', '2010-04-09 02:02:56');