Hey, folks.
I have an onActionPerformed running for a dropdown in Perspective. The options for this dropdown are filled via a query that pulls all values from one column in a table. The correct values populate into this dropdown.
After selecting an item from the dropdown, a named query checks the table for that selected value and returns the value from the correlated row's "Max" column into a text input field on the form. However, it does not return just the value. It is more of some sort of bracketed array?
Script for OnActionPerformed
def runAction(self, event):
TemplateName = self.props.value
self.getSibling("Maximum").props.text = system.db.runNamedQuery('qrySavedShopTemplate',{'TemplateName':TemplateName})
The named query above:
The result in the text field:
I'm not sure what I have screwed up here. Perhaps a data type is messed up? Thank you!