Named Query with where clause of datetime not working properly

I have written simple query.

I had put value as "2023-08-01" future date as I don't have any data, however output is giving all the datas available in the database.

1689306148108 = Friday, July 14, 2023 9:12:28.108 AM
1689306535620 = Friday, July 14, 2023 9:18:55.620 AM

You will need to convert your datetime parameter to match the epoch timestamp format.
Something like

WHERE t_stamp >= DATEDIFF(s, '1970-01-01 00:00:00.000', :start)

I'd make the NQ parameter a bigint and convert to UTC milliseconds before the NQ.

Pssst! Why are you directly querying the historian's tables? That is a snake pit of complexity you should avoid (by using Ignition's tag history functions).

Getting error
java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: Incorrect parameter count in the call to native function 'DATEDIFF'

Not sure why, I just tested it and it works just fine for me with the exact same setup.
I do notice your start date is set in the future though, but I do not believe that would cause that error.

What version of SQL Server are you running?

Add your filter parameter value to the return list as a sanity check. Something like this:

SELECT t_stamp, floatvalue, :start as Filt1
FROM sqlt_data_1_2023_07
WHERE t_stamp > :start
ORDER BY t_stamp

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You didn't respond to Phil's question about why you are querying a history table directly. The built-in Tag History binding feature will get you what you want and sort out all the table partitioning behind the scenes.

Can you explain why you are writing your own query?

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Sorry for the late reply,
I am using MySQL Workbench 8.0.33

For below issue I am trying to find a solution.

I was thinking of creating 2 tags for same variable, 1 for reading and 1 for writing and while saving the data in to the database I will have 2 tagID, for this reason I am trying to find a way like this.