FYI -- cleaned up the query and python scripting to which the order of the parameters doesn't matter. I set up a dictionary input (key, param_in) and dictionary output (key, query_out) --- join the results based on the key and parse the tuple array from the result:
Query (aggregate results):
SELECT iCalID, max(cDateDue) as DueDate, max(iDescription) as xDescription -- max(iManufacturer) as Manufacturer, max(iModel) as Model,
SELECT I4201 as iCalID, I4202 as iManufacturer, I4203 as iModel, I4204 as iDescription, I4225 as iCalStatus,
DATEFORMAT(C2301, 'YYYY-MM-DD') as cDateLastCal, C2323 as cCalPass, DATEFORMAT(C2303, 'YYYY-MM-DD') as cDateDue
FROM "mt"."Inventory" INNER JOIN "mt"."Calibration" ON "mt"."Inventory".MTAG = "mt"."Calibration".MTAG
WHERE "mt"."Inventory"."I4201" = :param1 or "mt"."Inventory"."I4201" = :param2
or "mt"."Inventory"."I4201" = :param3 or "mt"."Inventory"."I4201" = :param4
) as results
Python scripting:
tagCal1 = str(system.tag.readBlocking(["[MES_Tags]NorthAmerica/Boulder/Ligasure/BiZact/AFT/Station10/Cal-ID"])[0].value)
tagCal2 = str(system.tag.readBlocking(["[MES_Tags]NorthAmerica/Boulder/Ligasure/BiZact/APS/Cal-ID"])[0].value)
tagCal3 = str(system.tag.readBlocking(["[MES_Tags]NorthAmerica/Boulder/Ligasure/BiZact/LaserWelder/Cal-ID"])[0].value)
tagCal4 = str(system.tag.readBlocking(["[MES_Tags]NorthAmerica/Boulder/Ligasure/BiZact/UltraSonicWelder/Cal-ID"])[0].value)
#pass values from tags into a dictionary for named query call
params = {"param1":tagCal1, "param2":tagCal2,"param3":tagCal3,"param4":tagCal4}
#print params
#Call the named query (found in project browser, named queries)
pyData = system.db.runNamedQuery("nq_jconn3_mettrack_prod" , params)
#brute force to get the results from the query
result_Cal1 = str(pyData.getValueAt(0,0))
result_Due1 = str(pyData.getValueAt(0,1))
result_Cal2 = str(pyData.getValueAt(1,0))
result_Due2 = str(pyData.getValueAt(1,1))
result_Cal3 = str(pyData.getValueAt(2,0))
result_Due3 = str(pyData.getValueAt(2,1))
result_Cal4 = str(pyData.getValueAt(3,0))
result_Due4 = str(pyData.getValueAt(3,1))
#define input and output dictionaries. We will key on CalID for final results
dict_input_swap = {v: k for k, v in params.items()} # swap key value pair
dict_output = {result_Cal1:result_Due1, result_Cal2:result_Due2, result_Cal3:result_Due3, result_Cal4:result_Due4}
#combine input and output dictionaries, key on CalID since it is common for both
from collections import defaultdict
dd = defaultdict(list)
for d in (dict_input_swap, dict_output):
for key, value in d.items():
final = dict(dd)
#Parse through a dictionary of tuples
#key = CalID, tuple[0] = parameter, tuple[1] = due date
for key in dd.keys():
param = dd[key][0]
calID = key
expiryDate = dd[key][1]
if param == "param1":
if param == "param2":
if param == "param3":
if param == "param4":