Navigate to another view by fetching row data on clicking link/Button in column in Perspective Table_Render Type View

Hi Team,
I have table in view 1 - which has data coming from script calling query. In last column I have embedded link component by render type : view

On clicking on this link I want to navigate to View 2 and fetch the corresponding row data and show in View 2 components.

View 2 contains text boxes for each column.

View 1:

View 2:

I referred other links in the forum using message handler and passing parameters but I am not able to achieve.

Can you please suggest which is the better way with steps.

Thank you.

Pass view.params.rowData from the 'Link' view to View 2 in a python script attached to the link via an onClick Event.
Pass the data as parameters attached to the call system.perspective.navigate() as per the documentation linked.
rowData contains all the data from the row in the query, and you can populate View 2 from that data with indirect bindings.

I got the solution using Message Handler, But I want to know using navigate.

on clickevent- Link- fetching table rowdata (Note:SAPOrderNumber is Column name, ordernumber is the param created in View 2 that I need to navigate )

Navigation is not happening, on passing url I am able to navigate but not getting the row value in view2
please guide where I am wrong. Please guide on indirect binding.

View 2:

binded to text

First off, from the screenshot you posted of the View 2, your navigate code should be:

system.perspective.navigate(view = 'Page/Embedded/Start_Complete_Line_Setup_test',params = {'ordernumber':orderNo})

Don't confuse a URL with a view path, there are separate navigate method parameters for each.

If that still doesnt work, try manually setting:
orderNo = 4444444
in the onClick handler and see if the value is passed.

I just tested the setup here with a fixed value and it passed correctly.
If manually setting the value works, then make the link text bind to the order number to verify that you are getting the correct order number. I tested your setup here, and as long as the correct order number was in the rowData.SAPOrderNumber it was getting through to the window.

Navigation is not happening on clicking on link from View 1 table and value is not passing.
can you please check.

View 2. param: value not changing

What does the browser show?

on clicking on link from view 1 table, browser showing below link:
my page URL is : /testlink


What does it show when you have clicked the link, not what is in the URL bar.
When you click the link, it should navigate to View 2, if it doesnt, verify the path to the page is correct. Once it navigates to the correct page on click, show us what the output on the screen is.

after clicking on this link, I am staying in same page, I checked the path of view 2 specified in link script.

please guide where I am wrong, I got the output another method using url parameters, but I want to know this method.


I think it will be something in the way the project is set up.
It will be hard for me to diagnose without the project file in front of me.
Not sure if you have a demo project with these parts in it you can share?
You can DM me the files and I can post the results on this thread if that is allowable.

Thank you.
I got the solution:
I will post the steps shortly