Navigation on Menu Bar on Mobile App (iPad)

I’m developing a mobile app for an iPad2. i am trying to take advantage of the Navigation option on the menu bar. Due to limited space on the iPad display i have grouped many of the displays into “parent” folders. problem is can not get the parent folder to expand to show its children. this works fine when run on a normal computer with a mouse as the children are displayed when the mouse is just hovered over the parent.
Anyway to get this to work on an iPad?

I don’t think so. The mouse hover and mouse exited events don’t work on mobile devices.

Any chance this can be changed such that it opens the parent group on either a “hover over” or a mouse click? Many other programs operate that way, hover over will display after a delay but cliking on the option opens the next level immediately.
This would be a very nice feature for the iPad apps. with the iPads limited screen real estate using this method of navigation would be very useful. Otherwise have to bring up a pop-up menu which is not as clean in my opinion.

I understand. We want to make the mobile module work a lot better and will be making significant changes to it late next year. Unfortunately, there is no quick workaround right now.