Need the name for remote gateway on network

When you set up remote realtime tag providers, you name them and that is how they show up under “All Providers”. I wanted to use to pull that name but instead it gives me the network id which is different. How do I get the name? I am using that name with system.tag.browseTags to pull underlying tag structure.

Do you just need the remote gateway name? It’s in the network id, it just has some other stuff before the name. For example, ‘_0:0:agent-ide-8088’ does reference a remote gateway named ‘agent-ide-8088’. You can use this script to extract the gateway name from the id returned from

serverNames = []
for server in servers:
print serverNames[0]

No, that part is easy.

When you set up a remote realtime tag provider, it asks for a name (which can be different from the id). That name is then assigned under “All Providers”. I want to use system.tag.browseTags so I need that name to create the path to the folder structure.

Ah, so it’s the actual remote provider name that you need. Unfortunately, there isn’t any existing way to get provider names from scripting. If you wanted to access the actual provider names, you would have to implement a module in Java.

Exactly. Without that name to set up the path, system.tag.browseTags is not as functional as it is for normal applications. I guess I will need to request a feature.