Need to develop Module for IEC-60870-104 and ICCP (Tase.2)

Anyone have modules developed for these 2 Utility/Electric Grid protocols ??? Libraries for IEC-60870-104 are available through Triangle Microworks, and libraries for ICCP are available from SISCO (not Cisco).

Looking to use Ignition for Utility/Grid Scale SCADA and need these 2 protocols “under the Ignition hood” if possible !

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Why don't you use SCADA gateway OPC DA server from Triangle Microworks or Kepware?
Kepware also provide OPC UA interface to ignition. I prefer Kepware IEC 60870-5-104 better than Triangle Microworks.

To my knowledge, Kepware doesn't provide ICCP support.

I recognize the need for both 104 and ICCP. What solution did you use of can you suggest that provide support for both? I think Triangle Microworks SCADA data gateway as suggested by @nader.chinichian support both but are there other options?

They support both but I recommend using kepware much easier to use but for ICCP Triangle Microworks is only good solution out there.
Even IA use Triangle Microworks drivers for IEC61850. They are best.

It is always balance between multiple products best of breed or one solution that covers all needed functionality. First option is in most cases more costly and complex to manage.