Need to disable the drag property for the embedded view

I have a flex container holding a embedded view (containing flex container view).
When I load the page on the browser, I am able to drag the component which is there in the embedded view.

I don't want anyone to drag the component, it should be at fixed position always.


That's not supposed to happen. You'll have to give us more details, maybe paste the view's json here so we can see for ourselves.

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video attached

That doesn't help me help you... I can't diagnose much from this.

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This is the view, embedded into the main view.
{ "custom": {}, "params": {}, "props": { "defaultSize": { "height": 1200, "width": 1850 } }, "root": { "children": [ { "children": [ { "meta": { "name": "PowerChart" }, "position": { "basis": "800px", "grow": 1 }, "props": { "interaction": { "chartZoomLevel": 1, "rangeZoomLevel": 1 } }, "type": "ia.chart.powerchart" } ], "meta": { "name": "FlexContainer_0" }, "position": { "basis": "600px" }, "type": "ia.container.flex" } ], "meta": { "name": "root" }, "props": { "direction": "column", "style": { "classes": "Basic/BackgroundColor/MediumDark", "overflow": "hidden" } }, "type": "ia.container.flex" } }

That's not a view json.

Shift + right click on the view in the project browser, then select "copy json"

If you can, export both the main view and the embedded view. This might be easier.

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Thanks @pascal.fragnoud
I am able to fix the issue
It was because of the transform style onPointerMove script.