Need to execute the script when it entered the perspective page

I need to execute the following script when enterted into the view/page,

	query = "SELECT name, drawingno, product FROM drawing_master WHERE id = ?"
	params = [i]
	result = system.db.runPrepQuery(query, params)
	if result:
		row = result[0]  # Assuming only one row is fetched
	   	column1_value = row["name"]
		column2_value = row["drawingno"]
		column3_value = row["product"]
		self.parent.parent.getChild("FlexContainer_0").getChild("Name_text").props.text = column1_value
		self.parent.parent.getChild("FlexContainer_0").getChild("drawing_no_text").props.text = column2_value 
		self.parent.parent.getChild("FlexContainer_1").getChild("TextField").props.text = column3_value

When I click the one button in page A it will navigates me to Page B. When Enterted into the Page B , need to runs this script. Kindly help me on this. I was really stuck!

Here's one way.

  1. Add a parameter row_id onto view B.
  2. When the button is pressed on A then navigate to view B and pass in the row_id.
  3. On view B create three custop props;, custom.drawingno and custom.product.
  4. Right-click on view B → Configure Events ... → onStartup → Script.
	query = "SELECT name, drawingno, product FROM drawing_master WHERE id = ?"
	params = [self.view.params.row_id]
	result = system.db.runPrepQuery(query, params)
	if result:
		row = result[0]  # Assuming only one row is fetched      = row["name"]
		self.custom.drawingno = row["drawingno"]
		self.custom.product   = row["product"]
  1. Create property bindings from your components to the custom properties. Make them bidirectional.

Now you have eliminated all the parent.parent.getChild().getChild() stuff and it won't break if you move components in or out of containers.

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Thankyou, Noted!