Need to Move the Multiple selected row data from the table component

Hi All,
I need to move the Multiple selected row data from the table component. Currently I'm was able to take single row data from the table.

		selectedRow = self.props.selection.selectedRow
		system.perspective.print("selectedRow"+ str(selectedRow))
		pydata = system.dataset.toPyDataSet(
		countWI = 0
		if(len(pydata) > 0):
			for rows in range(len(pydata)):
			     if(selectedRow == rows):
					Id= pydata[rows]['Id']
					workorderNo = pydata[rows]['WorkOrderNumber']
					self.view.params.Workorder = workorderNo
					system.perspective.openDock("OrderOP",params = {"Workorder":workorderNo})
		messageType = 'ResourceAllocation'   			
		payload = {'Id':(Id),'WorkorderNo':str(workorderNo)}		 			
		system.perspective.sendMessage(messageType, payload, scope = 'page' )
			exc_type, exc_obj,tb = sys.exc_info()
			f = tb.tb_frame
			lineno = tb.tb_lineno
			errorMessage = "Error - Asset_Overview_OnRowclick, Line:" + str(lineno) + ", Err:"+ str(exc_obj)
			system.perspective.print("errorMessage: "+str(errorMessage))	

Hi, Jeffin and welcome to the forum.

Like most other forums, Ignition's forum has a way to post code that preserves indents and applies syntax highlighting. Please see Wiki - how to post code on this forum and then edit (pencil icon) your post to fix it.

Okay I Edited the Script.

Can you explain some more about what you are trying to achieve?

  1. You have a table with selection.mode set to single interval or multiple interval?
  2. How is this script executed? e.g., A button?
  3. The normal method of removing rows from a table is to delete them from the source and then refresh the table binding. You seem to be trying something more complicated. Why? What? Where?
  4. Your question title says "Move the multiple selected row data". Move it where?