New Training Resource - Ignition Design Challenge

Hey everyone,

We always received great feedback about the learning/training value that the older Core test format had. Working through a complete project specification sheet that covers most of the major Ignition modules is a good way to help identify gaps in a new users knowledge.

With this in mind, several of the Training staff at IA created a public resource that can be used by new users to self-evaluate their ability to develop solutions related to topics like: Tags, Alarming, Reporting, Vision, Perspective, and managing the Gateway. It would be appropriate for someone who has completed Inductive University, but is still new to Ignition and likely not Core Certified. It could also be valuable for people who have not designed with Ignition in some time and want semi-guided practice.

Find the new Ignition Designer Challenge here on the IA Training pages: Ignition Design Challenge | Inductive Automation Training

If you have feedback on Training resources you can contact us at, but please note we will not help evaluate solutions for this resource as it is an independent self-assessment.