Nightly 8.0 Changelogs - 2020

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.12-b20200417

Allen-Bradley Drivers

16333: Allow Port to be configured
The port on Logix driver device connections can now be configured.

Ignition Platform

16236: Use inherited tag props instead of just local ones
Fixed an issue where writes to UDT members would fail when the property isn’t flagged as an override.


16250: Use the default security zone for Perspective and the IdP Test Login page
The default security zone is now set on the user’s security levels in Perspective and the IdP Test Login page, in cases where they would not fall into any other security zone.

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Nightly Changelog: 8.0.12-b20200420


16250: Grant default security
The default security zone is now set on the user’s security levels in Perspective and the IdP Test Login page, in cases where they would not fall into any other security zone.


16187: binding preview now rendered server-side to avoid serialization issue
Prevents an error that occurred when binding to an array of datasets.

10698: Perspective theming implementation
Perspective theming has been overhauled, and is now applied consistently to all perspective components. More details can be found here: [NEW] Theming Update: Major Visual Changes in Perspective

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.12-b20200421

Ignition Platform

15670 Secondary Button
Primary gateway buttons have been made visually consistent between editions, and the secondary buttons have a new design.

16163: Improve handling of duplicate tag nodes.
Definitions for duplicate tags, or multiple tags that resolve to the same logical path, are now displayed with a temporary name so that they can be modified/removed by the user.

No nightly updates for today, although we did expedite 8.0.12 early to patch a critical issue. Support Portal News

8.0.12 final only contains a fix for the UDT issue we identified in 8.0.11. All other changes and features that were originally targeting 8.0.12 are now targeting 8.0.13.

8.0.13 nightly builds should become available in the near future.

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.13-b20200423

Ignition Platform

16290: Use Files.createDirectory() when creating project files
Fixed a bug in the project rename operation when renaming a project to a name that differs only in case on a case-insensitive file system, resulting in the project being deleted.


16334: tweak hardcoded OPC UA subscription parameters
Modified OPC UA subscription parameters to reduce load on server and network traffic when values aren’t changing.


16311: binding loop + binding write-back on view startup
Prevents an infinite write scenario when using bidirectional tag bindings on embedded view parameters.

16351: Theming cleanup
Theming cleanup. Remove default background on XYChart. Fix height of Table pager page jump input and ReportViewer current page input. Adjust default stroke color of PieChart so that it’s more compatible between light and dark themes. Fix missing background color of full screen component modals. Fix border issue with month and year selector of date picker when zoom level is adjusted.


16221: Make sure AbstractCRUDTable terms can be translated
Add more tooltip and dialog translations for User Management, Roster Management, and Schedule Management components.

16224: Translate more terms in UserManagementPanel
Added more translatable terms to the Vision User Management component.

15173: Remove import/export action for custom palette
Removed the legacy import/export option from the custom palette context menu. Importing and exporting is still possible through project exports.

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Nightly Changelog: 8.0.13-b20200424

Ignition Platform

16204: Trash icon alignment on simulator edit program page needs fixing

Fixed the alignment of the trash icon on the “Delete All” button found on the “Edit Program” page of Programmable Simulator device connections.


16375: Theming - remove background of containers, give the root container in the designer a background color only

Theming cleanup. Containers no longer have a background color by default.


16254: Fix getDatasetValueBy function always returning default

Fixed an issue where getDatasetValueBy functions were unintentionally returning fallback values.


Nightly Changelog: 8.0.13-b20200427


14924: DNP3: Process buffered events upon connecting

Added support for DNP3 buffered events.

Ignition Platform

8384: Install keystroke scripts on secondary desktops

Fixed an issue where keystrokes scripts would not work on secondary desktops.


Nightly Changelog: 8.0.13-b20200429

Ignition Platform

14911: Designer Icons Overhaul

Replaced many of the older designer icons to better fit with the newer flat icon style.

14961: Make system.util.modifyTranslation work in all scopes (currently only works in Vision)

Add system.util.modifyTranslation to all scopes.

14726 Launcher prompt for version update recommendations

Both the designer and vision client launchers will now notify users if they detect that an updated version is available.

16309: Fix Plumbing Issues with Ping Rate and Timeout settings in Redundancy Settings

Fixed issues where Ping Rate and Ping Timeout Redundancy settings were not editable or not saving with the correct values.


16316: Replace JSON5 with browser JSON API

Improve overall browser load and update performance by removing slow JSON parsing library.

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Nightly Changelog: 8.0.13-b20200430

Ignition Platform

14911: Designer Icons Overhaul
Replaced many of the older designer icons to better fit with the newer flat icon style.


16411: Report Viewer page jump input not working correctly
Input is now displaying the current page, honoring minimum and maximum values, and is switching the displayed page based on value.

16355: Clicking the scrollbar of the dropdown component collapses its options
Clicking or dragging the scrollbar of the Dropdown Component no longer collapses the Dropdown.

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.13-b20200501

Ignition Platform

16108: Improvements to managed tag provider system


15676: UDT Tag Bindings load definition on EDT, can block UI when working with remote tags

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.13-b20200504

Ignition Platform

16108: Improvements to managed tag provider system
Made several improvements to Managed Tag Providers (subsystem responsible for System tags, as well as 3rd party tag providers), including fixing various setting interactions.

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.13-b20200505


16319: DateTime Input should close expanded picker if clicked again
Added a dismissOnSelect property to the Perspective DateTime Input component, that determines if the date picker should be dismissed automatically when selecting a date.

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Nightly Changelog: 8.0.13-b20200506


16416: Fix mobx memory leaks and performance in designer
Fix a significant Perspective designer browser memory leak., reduce memory usage overall, and include small performance improvement for several components. Changing the z-order of components in the designer no longer results in memory leak.

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Nightly Changelog: 8.0.13-b20200507


15126: Search alarm details from all providers
Perspective Alarm Status Table alarm details no longer fail to load when alarm is from a remote provider.


13850: Vision cannot log into gateway behind AWS loadbalancer
Now adding cookie strings in previous http responses to new requests.


Update embedded JRE to 11.0.7, improve CJK font

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.13-b20200508

Enterprise Administration

15944: EAM Send project resources fixes
Fixed an issue where certain project resource types would fail to be created when sent to the controller.

Ignition Platform

14451: Alarm and Tag Reference actors not updating due to rename until tag restart
Fixed issue where aspects of tags (Alarm names and relative reference in Tag Reference tag types) don’t get updated correctly when the parent folder or instance is renamed.

16232: UDT editor parent data type dropdown needs to be a JidePopupMenu so it wraps.
Fixed filterable choice picker for UDT editor.

New Tag Permission Model based on Security Levels applies to Tag Reads, Writes, and Subscriptions
New Tag Permissions Model based on Security Levels


16376: Clicking checkbox of Alarm Status Table does not toggle row to selected
Updated to toggle correctly.

16325: File Upload Component Resizes Badly Inside a Flex Container with Basis Set to Auto
Prevented FileUpload Component from cycling between responsive sizes when it is a child of a Flex Container.

15126: Search alarm details from all providers
Fixed an issue where the Perspective Alarm Status Table alarm details would fail to load when an alarm is from a remote provider.

Tag Historian

16112: Prevent Duplicate Edge Data Sync
Fixed an issue where the same Edge historical data would be synced multiple times.


Nightly Changelog: 8.0.13-b20200511

Allen-Bradley Drivers

16439: AB V21+ Driver Timeout when writing to bit tags
Prevents a timeout that occurs when attempting to write to bits with the Logix driver.

Ignition Platform

16269: UDT Def Exports With UDT Parents/Members Include all members from Parent/Member rather than UDT reference
Fixed an issue where importing UDT definitions that contain either a UDT parent or member, would include the other UDT as regular tags instead of a UDT parent/member.

16414: Regression: UDT Parameters cannot be used in Event Scripts
Fixed an issue where UDT parameters could not be referenced in events scripts when using bracket notation (example: tag[‘parameters’][‘DeviceId’] )


16418: Refactor and correct the OPC UA connection shutdown sequence
Ensure OPC UA connections shut down correctly and update quality for OPC tags belonging to that connection.

16412: Improve tag diagnostic message when OPC Server doesn’t exist
Improved tag diagnostics when the configured OPC Server does not exist.

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.14-b20200512

Ignition Platform

16150: Launchers do not find SSL certs when installed “For all users” unless in Admin mode Launcher Admin installs can now target gw’s with custom certs.

16341: Improve performance of PyDataSet iteration
Significantly improved performance when iterating PyDataset objects to match ‘native’ Datasets.

13832: Add “send to project” functionality to the project resource export dialog
Added the ability to send project resources directly from the Designer’s export window to other projects. This new functionality replaces the old “Send-To” context menu previously found on Vision Window and Template project browser nodes.

14984: Vision send resource fails when overwriting in target project
Fixed an issue where sending vision resources to another project would fail if overwriting the target resource is required.


16338: Signature Pad Grows Infinitely Bigger when has a borderStyle enabled. SignaturePad Component will no longer grow in size continuously when it has a border, and is the child of a flex container.
In the designer, the SignaturePad selection box will also be consistent with its actual size when switching actionBar positions, and is a child of a flex container.
Performance while resizing the SignaturePad component is also improved.

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.14-b20200513

Ignition Platform

16015: Modbus NPE on first startup intermittently
Added null check for getContext().

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.14-b20200514

Ignition Platform

16406: Fix shadowing of GatewayContext in audit functions called from Perspective
Fixed an issue where auditing context would not be automatically provided when using system.util.audit() from Perspective.

16436:The latest EULA uses a non-standard apostrophe that causes formatting issue when viewed in new page
Fixed an improperly encoded apostrophe character in the EULA.

16438: Remove JSP Servlet from webdefault.xml
Disabled unused JSP Servlet.


16344: Tag history cache can omit values from min/max aggregation
The min/max aggregation query returns all data based on return size and values inside the aggregated window when used with the tag history cache.

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Nightly Changelog: 8.0.14-b20200515

Alarm Notification

15609: Forward port 8355
Fixed: Voice Notification Module no longer drops subsequent calls for alarm when previous call exceeds lifespan.

Ignition Platform

16481: Implicitly created folders don’t get "started"
Fixed issue where folders added implicitly through configure or import scripting functions are not marked as “started” and can cause issues when trying to restart tags below them.


13592: Accordion Component
A new embedded view component: Accordion Component. The Accordion Component allows the embedding of expandable/collapsible views which can be toggled with a click or a tap of their headers. The headers may contain text, or be their own views for further customization.

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