Nightly Changelog: 8.1.1-b20201007
202: Implement Session Fixation Mitigations
Ignition Gateway’s Session Cookie IDs are now rotated upon successful authentication from an IdP.
651: Username label no longer visible on the IdP login page unless focus is removed from the field
Fixed a bug where the username label was no longer visible on the internal Ignition IdP login page unless focus was removed from the field.
517: DNP3 “Error decoding unsolicited response: Unexpected g22v1"
DNP3 driver will now handle all Class 1, Class 2, Class 3 events.
536: Power Chart: Post 8.1 RC Follow-Up
Power Chart
Component Props:
Updated the description for the …xTrace.values component property to make it relevant to what values actually is.
Exposed annotation icon colors. The interaction.annotation.infobox property has a new child property called icon. It contains config for the stroke and fill as well as a general style property where the user can provide custom style.
Annotations now show in both preview and design mode
Pen control table:
The text of the range selection table headers was made much darker so it is visible when the theme is switched to dark.
Adjusted the width of the Pen Name column based on the largest name provided. Done using a temporary canvas element (never attached to the DOM and garbage collected) this time for a calculation based on current font family and size. Accurate to roughly one pixel.
Time Series Chart
Binding Chart to a DataSet:
Ensuring that the default t_stamp column name is correctly removed when binding to a dataset. This was introduced as a regression during some initial work on the PowerChart in shared source files.
561: Power Chart: Chart interaction issues with annotations and range brush on Safari
Removed the foreignElement (for all platforms except Android) inside of the chart library that was responsible for keeping touch/pointer events from disrupting the pinch zoom and drag interaction. The latest versions of Safari do not support this as they did previously.
579: Simple Gauge: Component update from prop changes are delayed
Property application issues mentioned in the ticket addressed. The chart also regenerates on resize.
604: Time Series: Icon is missing on zoom reset button
Time Series zoom icon restored.
613: Component Rename not displayed in Project Browser until View is re-opened
Component changes will once again be reflected in the Project Browser. This was broken in RC1, and is now fixed.