Nightly 8.1 Changelogs - 2020

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.1-b20201007


202: Implement Session Fixation Mitigations
Ignition Gateway’s Session Cookie IDs are now rotated upon successful authentication from an IdP.

651: Username label no longer visible on the IdP login page unless focus is removed from the field
Fixed a bug where the username label was no longer visible on the internal Ignition IdP login page unless focus was removed from the field.


517: DNP3 “Error decoding unsolicited response: Unexpected g22v1"
DNP3 driver will now handle all Class 1, Class 2, Class 3 events.


536: Power Chart: Post 8.1 RC Follow-Up

Power Chart

Component Props:
Updated the description for the …xTrace.values component property to make it relevant to what values actually is.

Exposed annotation icon colors. The interaction.annotation.infobox property has a new child property called icon. It contains config for the stroke and fill as well as a general style property where the user can provide custom style.

Annotations now show in both preview and design mode

Pen control table:
The text of the range selection table headers was made much darker so it is visible when the theme is switched to dark.

Adjusted the width of the Pen Name column based on the largest name provided. Done using a temporary canvas element (never attached to the DOM and garbage collected) this time for a calculation based on current font family and size. Accurate to roughly one pixel.

Time Series Chart

Binding Chart to a DataSet:
Ensuring that the default t_stamp column name is correctly removed when binding to a dataset. This was introduced as a regression during some initial work on the PowerChart in shared source files.

561: Power Chart: Chart interaction issues with annotations and range brush on Safari
Removed the foreignElement (for all platforms except Android) inside of the chart library that was responsible for keeping touch/pointer events from disrupting the pinch zoom and drag interaction. The latest versions of Safari do not support this as they did previously.

579: Simple Gauge: Component update from prop changes are delayed
Property application issues mentioned in the ticket addressed. The chart also regenerates on resize.

604: Time Series: Icon is missing on zoom reset button
Time Series zoom icon restored.

613: Component Rename not displayed in Project Browser until View is re-opened
Component changes will once again be reflected in the Project Browser. This was broken in RC1, and is now fixed.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.1-b20201008


425: NJ driver needs a manual date/time offset setting
Added Date/Time offset setting to Omron NJ Driver.


727: Vision query bindings with update queries have “UPDATE” checkbox un-selected after upgrade from 7.9.6 or prior
Upgrading a vision window with query bindings will now keep the binding settings the same as they were in the originating version.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.1-b20201012


762: Logix Driver UTF-8 String Support
Fix length calculation when writing UTF-8 strings.


** 433: Installer needs to account for different filenames of MSSQL Windows auth DLL**
Newer mssql-jdbc_auth dll files which contain versions in their names are retained on upgrades when using the Installer.


Nightly Changelog: 8.1.1-b20201013


785: Can’t login to designer without Perspective module installed
Designer no longer errors during startup if neither Perspective or Web Browser module are installed.

753: Polling client expression tags able to run after logout, throw IllegalStateException
Fixed an issue where poling client expression tags would still execute after logging out of vision client.

772: Tag Browser: NPE when to trying to create a UDT via drag and drop from OPC browser
Dragging OPC nodes from the Tag Creator Dialog out into the Tag Browser no longer throws an NPE when the classic OPC browser is not visible.


641: Power Chart needs to re-query data when zooming in on time range.
As the user changes hones in on the chart display using either the range brush or via pan/zoom actions, the main chart display has its data replaced with new data that has the same resolution/density for the displaying time range as what the user has defined in config.pointCount. This gives the appearance of better data resolution as you dive deeper into a smaller section of the overall chart data. Using the strategy of:

  1. Zoom range first (if it exists)
  2. Brush range second (if it exists)
  3. Total chart range as a fallback

In addition, this introduces two new component properties: config.rangeStartDate and config.rangeEndDate. The user should treat these as read-only properties that provide the start and end values of the time range being displayed in the main chart (as modified by the range brush or pan/zoom actions).

414: Better UDT binding support, part deux

UDT bindings now work bidirectionally through view in/out parameters.
Property editor now commits on focus loss or enter key-press instead of continuously as you type.

553: Table, AlarmStatusTable, and AlarmJournal: needs performance optimizations, proper use of getters that are no longer mobx computed values
Optimize Perspective Table components to prevent excessive calculations following Perspective front-end performance refactor.

752: ReportViewer and EmbeddedView: ReportViewer should load valid report on refresh, and missing output params preventing EmbeddedViews from loading
Fix issue where ReportViewer does not reload on refresh or navigation even when report path is valid. Fix issue where missing view output params are resulting in EmbeddedViews to not load even with a valid view path.

750: Perspective Align & Normalize components is not normalizing the components
When aligning and normalizing children of a Coordinate container, the normalize behavior was broken in 8.1 RC1 and is now fixed.

669: Button with an icon will not load correctly if inside a breakpoint container.
In RC1 and RC2, a Button with an Icon configured would sometimes not load its Icon if the Button was a child of a Breakpoint container. This has been fixed.

533: Dock: when set to push content and toggled, side dock will cause the root or center panels width to jump
When a side dock is toggled, the center panel visually animates between widths.

228: Expression Structure binding does not work with datasets
The expression-structure binding now correctly handles dataset and date values.


763: Allow connecting to servers that do not have valid URIs according to RFC 3986
Allow connecting to servers that do not have valid URIs according to RFC 3986.

Data Model

764: Tag Browser: Tags import into parent of selected folder
Tags imported into the Tag Browser import into the selected folder and no longer default to the top level provider folder.

717: Vision Tag History Binding config window removes parts of path during drag and drop
Fixed issues introduced in RC1 in regards to tag history paths generated from the history binding and pen config dialogs in Vision.


336: Extracting on JRE during bootstrap sometimes fails on rename
Extraction of JRE by clients and designers no longer fails intermittently.


Nightly Changelog: 8.1.1-b20201013


492: Vision Bar Chart: unexpected renderings when foreground transparency is set to wrong alpha
Fixed an issue where the Vision Bar Chart / Pie Chart could have its foreground transparency set to invalid alpha values.


387: Add “referral” configuration property to all Active Directory authentication profiles
Updated so that Active Directory authentication profiles have a new “Referral” setting in their Advanced sections.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.1-b20201019


787: Coordinate Container: Component position and size can shrink when switching from fixed to percent mode
In 8.1 Pre-final, Coordinate containers conversion of fixed child position props to percent would sometimes happen when no conversion was needed. This has been fixed.

427: Rulers/Ruler guidelines demonstrate incorrect behavior
In the Designer, rulers no longer show in Preview mode. In addition, guidelines more consistently hide themselves when the mouse cursor is moved outside of the JxBrowser pane.


125: Add BACnet module to the Edge Zip Install
Ignition Edge zip installer now includes the BACNet driver module.

Data Model

293: Tag group empty after importing expression tag
Empty tag groups no longer show up after importing expression tags from 7.9 exports.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.1-b20201020


253: Gateway Web Interface User Inactivity Timeout
Added a new “User Inactivity Timeout” setting to Gateway Web Interface > Config > Security > General which applies to the Gateway Web Interface.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.1-b20201024


771: View Editor: MacOS SVG drop from desktop into editor is failing silently and not prompting with swing image popup dialog
Fix SVG drag and drop regression into Perspective View Editor on MacOS that was caused by a recent JXBrowser upgrade.

358: Perspective Time series chart doesn’t always scale time axis correctly
The visual time range values at the bottom of the chart are now hidden until they have valid data. There was an instance where the component could be initially configured with null or otherwise bad data, and the component would default to the Unix epoch time.


826: Excessive “IllegalStateException” in wrapper log from Designer after gateway restart while Designer is open
Fixed an issue where a Perspective Designer session’s props were unable to reconnect to the Gateway after losing its session due to a Gateway restart or Designer session timeout

Data Model

918: Redundancy cold standby can prevent OPC polled read tag groups from ever executing
Polled mode OPC tag groups were not successfully executing after redundancy had transitioned to or from Cold standby.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.1-b20201027


97: OPC COM tags will still update even if trial is expired
OPC-COM SQLTags now show Bad_TrialExpired when the trial timer runs out.


797: Find/Replace doesn’t return tags that are outside project’s default provider
Fixed an issue where the designer find/replace wouldn’t allow for searching tags outside project’s default tag provider.


437: OPC Certificates Cleanup & Missed Features
Improved responsiveness of OPC-UA Certificate Management table.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.1-b20201028


773: Ignition IdP Session Inactivity Timeout setting fails to save with zero value
Internal Ignition IdP session inactivity, session expiration and remember me expiration settings now handle zero values properly when set in the gateway config page.

Data Model

867: Block Group doesn’t respect WHERE clause
Fixed custom WHERE clause evaluation for Block Groups.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.1-b20201029


603: Regression: Vision User Management component week view shows multiple events at the same time
Vision User Management component no longer shows schedule modifications and holidays side-by-side with the top level schedule and instead overlays them similar to 8.0.15 and previous versions.


614: Add Named Queries to Find/Replace in Ignition Designer
Added support for named queries to the designer’s Find/Replace tool.

821: Multiline find/replace
Updated the find/replace tool in the designer so that the wildcard characters % and * will match across multiple lines of text.

820: Make copying table contents from Find & Replace dialog work as expected
Fixed an issue where copying values out of the Results table in the Find/Replace tool would not paste with the expected values.

807: Find/replace dialog needs an all/none option
Added a ‘Select All’ checkbox to the Targets area of the Find/Replace tool in the designer.

915: Find/Replace Columns Cannot Be Sorted
Fixed sorting in the Results table of the Find/Replace tool.

863: NPE displayed when you try and add tags after selecting Edge provider in Tag browser
Fixed multiple NPEs:

When you try and add tags after selecting Edge provider in Tag browser

When you try and add tags after selecting any provider in Tag Browser for a project created in the Gateway Config Page

When creating a project via the designer using Ignition / Maker and the default tag provider on the New Project Setup Screen is unselected

Also fixed an issue where the Edge provider wasn’t treated like the default in the Tag Browser

815: Security Level Rule expressions tag and runScript fail to evaluate successfully due to lack of context
Allow runScript and tag expressions to be used in Attribute Mapper and Security Level Rule expressions.


Nightly Changelog: 8.1.1-b20201030

Data Model

684: Remove Tag Group property option from UDT Instances and Definitions
Remove Tag Group property from UDT Instances and Definitions.

834: JSON tag imports revert ‘text’ data type to null
Text type tags now retain their values when included in JSON imports.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.1-b20201102


690: In the SAML Identity Provider, accounting for new lines in Base64-encoded SAML Responses will help improve compatibility with IdPs which line-wrap the Base64-encoded SAML Responses
Added support for line-wrapped base64-encoded SAML responses.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.1-b20201103


312: Add system.roster.removeRoster() script function
Rosters can now be deleted through scripting using system.roster.deleteRoster function.


423: Forward JxBrowser logs to Ignition’s LoggerEx loggers
JXBrowser logs now forward to Ignition’s logs under com.teamdev.jxbrowser.

605: Sparkline: Stroke width property doesn’t work
Removed default value assignment to the deprecated strokeWidth component property.

571: Power Chart: Displayed X Trace datetime is off if session and gateway timezone are different
Needed to pass the project time zone to the persistent x-trace displays to ensure that their date values would display correctly.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.1-b20201104


957: Icons: Map marker icons and XYChart legend icons are not loading as they should because their href url is now incorrect
In an RC of 8.1, Map Component markers and XYChart Legend Icons were not loading. This has been fixed.

Data Model

933: Tag system race condition leaves Vision template stuck with “Uncertain_InitialValue” overlay.
Race condition in Vision client can result in incorrect UNKNOWN_INITIAL value for indirect tag bindings.

906: Managed Tag Provider Tags with Delete flag cannot be deleted
Allow deleting tags from managed tag providers.


943: Error in Designer and Vision Client: BasicAuthenticatedUser cannot be cast to class
Fixed the following issues:

  • When using the Designer and also working with a User Management Component, it is possible to cause an error in the Designer if you modify and save the currently logged in user.
  • When using the User Management component in s Vision Window, it is possible to cause the logged in user to have permissions issues on any tags or components that are tied to Authentication and Roles.


766: Master should synchronize time any time NEED_TIME indicator is set
Synchronize time in response to the NEED_TIME indicator being set.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.1-b20201105


805: system.dataset.exportExcel OutOfMemory with large datasets
system.dataset.exportExcel now uses Apache’s POI streaming API when writing Excel spreadsheets to a file. This prevents OutOfMemory errors when large datasets are held in memory during the operation.


126: Non Auto Create Audit Profile referencing disabled database prevents gateway startup
Fixed an issue where the gateway would fault on startup if an audit profile referenced a disabled database connection.


607: Exchange and Certificate project config pages are using Perspective resource icons, when they should not
Pointed any gateway material icons that referenced the Perspective material icon library to the system version of the icon repo. Ensures that these icons will be in place if the Perspective module is not installed.


Nightly Changelog: 8.1.1-b20201106

Data Model

768: Unexpected Attempted Writes For Indirect UDT Tag Binding In Vision Window
Prevent locale changes from causing extra writes to bidirectional tag bindings.

672: SFC chart recordings get deleted when trying store multiple recordings
Fixed an issue where SFC recordings were being pruned when they shouldn’t have.


843: Creating a new view from the page config tab, while the nav tree has a different view selected, will cause the other view to become selected
Fixed issue where making a new view could end up with the new view’s tab not being selected.

565: runScript in Perspective on Edge is disabled
Fixed an issue on Edge where runScript wouldn’t execute within perspective expressions despite having proper license.

119: Table: selection overlay blocks mouse and touch interaction with view cells
Selected rows within a Table Component no longer prevents click events to views rendered within the Table.


790: Gateway Network Port setting in commissioning and iterating port gateway startup

  • Commissioning can now set the Gateway Network port in addition to the HTTP and HTTPS port.
  • Commissioning will alert the user if any of the ports are currently in use and would result in a faulted gateway
  • Clean installs of ignition will check the default ports for their availability. If any are not available, the gateway will iterate that port number until one is found which is available. During commissioning, the user will be given these ports with the chance to modify them. (existing or upgraded gateways will not search for available ports, and will result in a faulted gateway)

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.1-b20201109


853: Not possible to write or create an OPC UA ByteString value from Ignition
Added support for writing to OPC UA nodes with ByteString datatype.

Data Model

988: WebDev Mounted Resources in a nested folder will result in 404 when attempting to view
WebDev Mounted Folders now correctly resolve contents from sub directories.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.1-b20201110

Data Model

720: Remove legacy DB, store and forward expression functions
Added support for store & forward / database expressions (deprecated) within tags, but removed these categories as well as variables from the expression menu.


687: Issues after serial SECS/GEM refactored to use jSerialComm
Fixed a regression that prevented serial connections from opening successfully.


989: Button: props.justify has no effect on Button text, nor does the textAlign style property
Button component now honors flex (align, and justify props) again.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.1-b20201111


837: Icon: application of style.fill works as it should in the Designer but not in a Session
The style.fill prop will now affect Icon Components, this takes precedence over the color prop.

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