Nightly 8.1 Changelogs - 2020

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.1-b20201112


1000: system.device.refreshBrowse() throws IllegalAccessException
Fix IllegalAccessException thrown by system.device.refreshBrowse()


544: Quick Start - Improve the sidebar video player interactions and user experience
Improved sidebar player interactions and user experience.


926: Large JSON structure makes property creation very slow.
Improved performance of adding a new property into a structure that contained large JSON structures.

982: In Perspective, Inactivity Timeout can unexpectedly happen immediately when the idle timeout setting is set to a really large number
Timeout functionality is now working as expected.

975: Popups not working when using Web Browser component
Web Browser component shows popups when popups are allowed.


102: When you delete a project resource in the designer it displays an Unknown Actor
Audit records for deleting project resources now correctly record Designer username.


Nightly Changelog: 8.1.1-b20201113


982: In Perspective, Inactivity Timeout can unexpectedly happen immediately when the idle timeout setting is set to a really large number
Fixed issue with large timeout time causing session to end/logout immediately. Max timeout time is now 2,147,483,647.


535: system.util.sendMessage returns empty list of recipients
system.util.sendMessage now returns Perspective client information for messages delivered with the Session scope.


840: Update Maker Edition project Assets
Maker edition project now includes a Powerchart example, and has updated some symbols.


546: Having a forward slash in a Device Name will cause issues with Devices and Device Drivers
Fixed a bug that prevented some drivers from starting when there were special characters in their name.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.2-b20201117


907: In Perspective Client Sessions, User Inactivity Timeout is not disabled even though it is not enabled in Project Properties
Prevent user inactivity timeout from starting on user activity when feature is disabled.

1060: Vision Text Area component “background” property bindings from 7.9 fail on upgrade
Fixed issue introduced in 8.0.16 that caused bindings on TextArea.background to fail upon upgrade.

Data Model

99: Edge Remote Notification has unused Notification Profile input
Removed Notification Profile option from Edge Remote Notification.

677: Tag Creator needs option to create UDT Defs from Devices
You can now browse OPC devices from within the Tag Editor in order to add OPC nodes to UDT definitions


941: SECS/GEM: HSMS equipment reconnect attempt causes memory leak
Fix memory leak from reconnection attempts.

1014: Milo: Session FSM can get stuck in a reconnect “loop” when connected to defective servers
Implemented workaround for reconnecting to servers that don’t respond correctly to subscription transfer requests.

1013: Milo: SubscriptionAcknowledgement bookkeeping problems
Fixed a bug that could lead to SubscriptionAcknowledgements parameter of PublishRequests growing very large.

1012: Milo: ExpandedNodeId with URL containing “=” doesn’t parse correctly
Fixed a problem accessing Nodes belonging to a namespace URI that contains “=”.


146: Master session remains destroyed after quick connection loss between backup
Fixes issue where redundancy session on master would remain inactive, but backup session would still be active from prior connection.


860: Maker Edition not constrained to 10,000 tags with a valid license applied during commissioning
Maker Edition now respects the tag count licensing restriction of 10,000 tags.

592: Trial period often reset on gateway startup
Fixed an issue where the trial timer would erroneously be set twice on each gateway startup.


934: Project Browser: undo paste resource removes original within Perspective workspace or doesn’t remove at all
Fixed issue with undoing a resource-paste, which could cause the original copied resource to be deleted.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.2-b20201118

Data Model

710: Gson isn’t serializing NaN and Infinity
Support NaN and Infinite values during Tag serialization.


569: Omron FINS: support XML tag import from CX Programmer
XML import support for Omron Fins tag address editor


802: Accordion and Flex Repeater not encoding dataset parameters as expected
This fix involved reading/encoding any view parameters from the following components:

  • Accordion
  • Flex Repeater
  • Carousel
  • View Canvas
  • Table
  • Dashboard
  • Tab Container
  • Map

1078: Importing unsupported SVG throws uncaught exception and leaves “spinning” mouse cursor
Revert to default cursor after SVG import fails.


864: Tag Browser: tag/folder collapse or expand scrolls browser to selected node
Expanding/collapsing nodes in the Tag Browser no longer scrolls to selected nodes that are potentially out of view.

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Nightly Changelog: 8.1.2-b20201119


447: NPE on drag and drop in designer
NullPointerException will no longer be thrown when dragging and dropping items onto the Perspective View workspace


Nightly Changelog: 8.1.2-b20201120


1119: Gateway Timer Scripts on Fixed Delay behave like Fixed Rate
Modified the implementation of “Fixed Delay” timer scripts to behave as described instead of like “Fixed Rate”.

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Nightly Changelog: 8.1.2-b20201121

Data Model

850: Twilio notification profile uses older “throttled” term and should be updated to say "consolidated"
Updated term to “consolidated”.

833: Dragging UDT Def Name in editor onto itself can cause deletion behavior
Prevent dragging and dropping a UDT on itself in UDT Definition Editor from deleting and re-adding the UDT.


909: Iterate bundled java to 11.0.9
Bundled java version bumped to 11.0.9


798: Using find/replace to rename a tag creates a new folder and puts the original tag inside it
Fixed an issue where renaming a tag using the designer find/replace would instead move the tag into a newly named folder.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.2-b20201124


1031: DNP3 point values always have a source timestamp assigned
DNP3 point values will no longer set current time for source timestamp when points don’t have associated timestamp included.

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Nightly Changelog: 8.1.2-b20201130


868: Null script in extension function breaks find-replace
Fixed issue that could case find-replace to fail in rare circumstances where Perspective extension function configuration was corrupted.

923: ‘Missing PDF’ error in Perspective Report Viewer
The component now starts in a loading state and throws a component error only if there is no value in the source component property.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.2-b20201201


554: Perspective component palette redesign. Part 2: UI Implementation
Overhauled the Perspective component palette UI/UX to now support component variants. Components are shown in a list with variants under each component, or they are shown as a set of tiles that display their variants in a new panel.


95: Trust Peer SecurityContext when enforcing Tag Permissions from remote gateway calls
It is now possible to opt into trusting the security levels of remote gateway users when remote gateways read, write, and subscribe to local tags.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.2-b20201202


704: Role-based tag permissions on member tags interfere with Gateway Tag Change Scripts when TagPath is UDT Instance
All tags with permissions may now be read when referenced through the .jsonValues property if the user has the appropriate security levels.

Data Model

757: Fixing UDT Hierarchy error doesn’t update instances
UDT Parent Data Type changes will now correctly reflect on instances of that UDT.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.2-b20201204


947: Viewport doesn’t scroll when dragging tags in tag browser
Dragging tag tree nodes to the upper and lower bounds of the Tag Browser now scrolls up and down.

721: Add system database tags for S/F and Quarantine
System tags now includes information on Store and Forward


1094: Pre-Commissioning clean installs is broken and commissioning prompts to start gateway with zero steps
Pre-commissioned, clean installs skip commissioning entirely now.

Data Model

1122: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when attempting to delete other key/value pairs in standard transaction group
Error occurs when attempting to delete the last row of a Key/Value selection condition in a Transaction Group.


1039: NPE in Vision designer component script edit editor for extensible components that don’t define any extension functions
Vision components that extend ExtensibleComponent that do not define Extension functions no longer throw a NullPointerException when the component’s script editor is opened in the Designer.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.2-b20201207


1063: throws IllegalArgumentException due to non-ASCII characters in role name
Fixed an exception thrown when a user logged in via or the modal had assigned roles containing non-ASCII characters.


827: NPE is displayed when you first create and Internal Audit profile when you first add a User to the default User Source
Fixed an issue where modifying users within an internal user source would fail on the first try if an audit profile updated and a gateway audit profile defined.


1037: Characters beyond basic latin lost when exporting tags to the gateway (Ubuntu base of Ignition Docker image isn’t configured for UTF-8)
Docker image now supports and defaults to en_US.UTF-8 locale to properly support UTF-8 operations such as tag imports within the gateway context.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.2-b20201209


162: Retargeting Vision Clients should check and download launchclient.jar
Retargeting Vision clients and client restarts which target gateways of a different version now use the target gateway’s launchclient.jar increasing the durability and resilience when clients are used in a multi-gateway environment where gateway versions may not be identical across the board.

334: Pie chart labels can overflow and become hidden
Added more label customization properties (“inside”) and legend customization properties to the Pie Chart component in order to handle it being displayed in a way that labels aren’t cut off incorrectly anymore.

1247: Designer NPE when attempting to drop a UDT Instance into a Perspective View
Fixed NPE when attempting to create Perspective components from tag drop.


1008: TCP / UDP Driver: Add support to receive binary data
TCP/UDP Driver now has a new tag ‘MessageBytes’ to allow read/write of Binary data.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.2-b202012011


240: UI updates for tag permissions editor
Layout in the security permissions panel of Tag Editor now properly resizes with the parent frame.

1186: Error ‘Cannot add a tag at this location’ when Canceling out from the New Folder popup
Cancelling a “New Folder” action in the Tag Browser no longer displays an error.


250: Numeric Entry Field: needs to be made locale aware when it comes to format strings
With this first pass at adding locales to the Numeric Entry Field, the following locales are now supported (shown with the locale key that will map to that set of rules):

Bulgarian --> bg, bg-BG
Chinese (Simplified Chinese rules, but we’re bundling everything together. Can be broken out in the future.) --> chs, zh, zh-CN, zh-HK, zh-TW
Czech --> cs, cs-CZ
Danish --> da, da-DK
German (Germany, Austria, Luxembourg, Belgium) --> de, de-DE, de-LB
German (Switzerland) --> de-CH
Australian --> en-AU
English (USA) --> en, en-US
English (UK) --> en-GB
English (South African) --> en-ZA
Spanish (general and Mexico) --> es, es-MX
Spanish (Spain) --> es-ES
Estonian --> et, et-ET
Finnish --> fi, fi-FI
French --> fr, fr-FR
French (Canadian) --> fr-CA
French (different variant) --> fr-CH
Hungarian --> hu, hu-HU
Italian --> it, it-IT
Japanese --> ja, ja-JP
Latvian --> lv, lv-LV
Dutch --> nl, nl-NL
Dutch (Belgium) --> nl-BE
Norweigan (Norway, Norwegian BokmÄl, Norwegian Nynorsk. Can be broken out in the future.) --> no, no-NO, no-NB, no-NN
Polish --> pl, pl-PL
Portuguese --> pt, pt-PT
Portuguese (Brazil) --> pt-BR
Ukrainian --> uk, ru-UK, ru-UA
Ukrainian (Ukraine) --> uk-UA
Russian --> ru, ru-RU
Slovakian --> sk, sk-SK
Slovenian --> sl, sl-SL
Thai --> th, th-TH
Turkish --> tr, th-TR
Vietnamese --> vi, vi-VI
The default locale is en-US (English, USA), and this will also be used as a fallback locale if the user has selected/provided a locale that doesn’t map to any of the above locale keys. Each set of locale rules contains a mapping of how numeric delimiters, abbreviations, ordinals, and currency symbols will be applied to the format component property of the Numeric Entry Field. The rule set for French (fr-FR) is shown here as an example:

delimiters: {
thousands: ’ ',
decimal: ‘,’
abbreviations: {
thousand: ‘k’,
million: ‘m’,
billion: ‘b’,
trillion: ‘t’
ordinal : function (number) {
return number === 1 ? ‘er’ : ‘e’;
currency: {
symbol: ‘€’

NOTE: The user will need to keep the format component property in English (USA) format as the rule mapping expects an en-US format in place first before the user-provided locale rules are applied.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.2-b20201210


1090: system.tag.importTag doesn’t handle non-ASCII characters in json import
system.tag.importTag() executed from a gateway script now properly handles UTF-8 encoded files on MS Windows.

936: Tag Editor: alpha sort the parent data type drop down
Sorting of Parent Data Type dropdown now matches the sorting seen in the Tag Browser panel.


1057: TCP driver keeps logging after device deleted
Prevent TCP driver from spamming logs when encountering errors from bad field count.

Data Model

1246: UDT instances that are members of other UDT definitions are not fully updated when their parent data type is modified.
UDT Instances that are members of a UDT Definition will now update correctly when the UDT Instance’s parent type is modified.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.2-b20201214


759: Add properties to Perspective Power Chart to toggle visibility of different sections
Adds several component properties under config.visibility that allow the user to customize the display of otherwise persistent interface components and in the case of the tag browser where its visibility was temporary, this can now be made persistently visible. All component props listed below can be found under config.visibility:

  • showTagBrowser: The opened/closed state of the tag browser is now surfaced with this component property. If opened (either by setting the property manually, or by the user in a client session), this preference will be persisted.
  • showDateRangeSelector: Visible state of the dropdown used to modify the date range displayed in the chart.
  • showPenControlDisplay: Visible state of the tabular pen data shown below the chart. Also applies to the pen legend if the legend is displaying.
  • buttons.showTagBrowserButton: Visible state of the toggle button that opens the tag browser. This button is normally hidden when the tag browser is open. This will also toggle the visibility of the button that closes the tag browser when it is open.
  • buttons.showPanZoomButton: Visible state of the pan/zoom button.
  • buttons.showXTraceButton: Visible state of the x-trace button.
  • buttons.showRangeBrushButton: Visible state of the range brush button.
  • buttons.showAnnotationButton: Visible state of the annotation button.
  • buttons.showFullscreenButton: Visible state of the fullscreen button.
  • buttons.showSettingsButton: Visible state of the settings button.
  • buttons.showMoreButton: Visible state of the more button.

304: Numeric Entry Field: Top/Bottom Margin ignored
Fixed margins not being appropriately applied to the Numeric Entry Field component by adding a containerStyles prop to handle any styling needed for the root container instead of the input itself.


Nightly Changelog: 8.1.2-b20201215


1288: Convert well-known StatusCodes to equivalent QualityCode
Convert well-known StatusCodes to equivalent QualityCode.


1038: Performance regression in new tag browser
Improved the performance of the new tag browser by reducing the number of times the tree is rebuilt and eliminating unnecessary subscriptions to nodes which are not visible.

640: Tag Browser: Tag Creator missing right-click menu
The Tag Creator now has a right click menu for commonly used actions

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.2-b20201216


1341: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException encountered when selecting components in the Perspective Component Palette
Fixed ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException issue when selecting components in the Perspective component palette while filtering.


916: system.db.execSProcCall should require “Legacy Database Access” permission
Calls to system.db.execSProcCall will respect the Legacy Database permission for Vision Clients.


855: Throttle filterAlarm errors to prevent Gateway log spamming and provide better experience in Designer
Perspective extension functions repeatedly throwing errors will now only log warnings once every 10 seconds to avoid flooding the logs.


1316: Fixed an NPE that occurred while viewing diagnostics against some OPC UA servers.
Fixed an NPE that occurred while viewing diagnostics against some OPC UA servers.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.2-b20201217


1255: When thumbnail fails to load in Recently Modified Views, perspective page configuration fails to finish loading
The Perspective Designer workspace no longer throws an exception when thumbnails for recently modified views have sizes that are out of bounds.


1332: Add right-click binding manipulation options
Added context menu items for configuring, removing, enabling, and disabling bindings in the property editor.

1157: Alarm Status/Journal Table: Configuration & Filter menu go off the edge of view and do not dynamically shift.
For the Perspective Alarm Journal Table and Alarm Status Table components, the filtering, configuration, and date range modals no longer render offscreen. Their position is determined intelligently based upon available space and their contents are made scrollable when situations require it to be scrollable.

1294: Tooltips within the Vision Workspace property editor render with weird border
Fixed incorrect rendering of tooltips in the Vision property editor table.


776: Identity Providers with a AD/Internal User Source is unable to perform a Hard Failover

  • Fixed an issue where internal IdP authentication could fail when the underlying user source was an AD/DB or AD/Internal hybrid and a hard failover occurred to a secondary source
  • Fixed an issue where users and roles from failover sources could be returned when managing users or roles for a Database user source profile which is failing over to a secondary source
  • Users must now re-authenticate with the primary user source if their authenticated internal IdP session was established with a failover source due to hard-failover if (at the time of re-authentication) the primary user source is no longer failing over
  • Users must now re-authenticate with the failover user source if their authenticated internal IdP session was established with the primary source and (at the time of re-authentication) the primary user source is failing over
  • On upgrade, users who have opted to be remembered will be forgotten in order to support these changes. Users will have to re-authenticate and opt-into being remembered again.