Nightly 8.1 Changelogs - 2021

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.10-b20210812


3614: Handle project name misspellings better with native launcher settings
Reworded an error message that could be thrown during Vision client initialization to be more descriptive.


2940: Logix driver will become idle if fastest polling request is greater than 16 seconds
Allow CIP connection timeout to be configured.


2631: Global Variables in the Project Script Library do not update after the first write from within Vision or Perspective
Fixed an issue where top-level constants in project scripts could not be updated before being read at least once.


3303: SSO Domain field for AD profiles should not be enforced as case-sensitive
SSO Domain field for AD profiles are no longer enforced as case-sensitive.


377: Power Chart - Need Ability to Resize the Tag Browser and Settings Menus
Added the ability to resize the Tag Browser, Pen Data Display, and Settings menus by dragging the innermost border of each area inward. Works via a drag action on mobile browsers. The new size of each area is temporary and will be reset to the default size once the browser has been refreshed in a session, or toggling preview/design mode in the Designer.

615: Global key handlers (analog of Vision keystroke scripts) in Perspective
Perspective Session key event detection has been added and can be found under Project > Session Events > Key Events. This provides the ability to match either a single key (with or without modifiers), or a regex pattern (series of keys) and execute a script once the match has been detected. The match for a single key can be made either on “key down” or “key up”. A regex match is always made on “key up”.

For single keys entered, the match can be a physical key typed, or the code generated by the key. Modifiers for a key include “alt”, “control”, “shift”, and “command/meta”. In addition, the resulting event that is used for match detection can be bound on its capturing phase, and it can also stop event propagation or prevent the default behavior of the event.

For a regex pattern match, the user would supply a regex pattern to match against, and they would also supply the number of characters that they would like to keep in a rolling buffer that will be scrutinized for a match. This buffer will always be the most recently typed characters and should be the length of whatever a “correct match” would be based on the supplied regex pattern. This pattern match can be a great way to execute a script when a barcode has been scanned from an HID barcode scanner.

Note: Key event detection is meant to work inside of a Perspective session and is not active inside of the Designer.

Also to Note: The device being used to trigger the key events must actually generate a key event when a key is pressed. HID barcode scanners WILL generate key events as they mimic a user typing keys on a physical keyboard. Scanners and other input devices that do not create key events will not trigger this logic.