Nightly 8.1 Changelogs - 2021

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.12-b20211015


1450: Perspective embedded views bidirectional bindings writing default values to tags when view is opened
Fixed issue that could cause bidirectional bindings on View parameters to inadvertently write back when loading the view.

4484: implementation does not URL-encode the Content-Disposition header value
The URL content disposition when using the scripting function, this allows for non-ASCII keys to be used for the filename parameter.

4702: Improve error message in ViewResourceEditor.getObjectForSave()

  • When a TimeoutException is encountered, the following will be logged to the console: “Unable to save the view. Could not retrieve view resource data.”
  • When any other exception type is encountered, the following will be logged to the console: “Unable to save the view”.


4398: Add setting so the Gateway can evict idle connections after a configurable timeout
Exposed the following new system properties:

  1. ignition.http.client.manager.socket.keepalive - when set to true, HTTP connections issued from the IdP system as well as Perspective’s HTTP Bindings will set the SO_KEEPALIVE flag on the underlying socket, which should enable keepalive. Note: the OS keepalive settings must also be set accordingly. When set to false or undefined, the SO_KEEPALIVE flag remains unset on these sockets, just as they always have been in the past.
  2. ignition.http.client.manager.pool.maxIdleConnectionTime - an integer representing the number of seconds that connections in the HTTP connection pool may be idle (i.e. no data is sent or received on the socket) before it is evicted and closed. If set to any number less than or equal to zero or undefined, idle connection eviction will be disabled as it always has been in the past.
  3. ignition.http.client.manager.pool.idleConnectionCheckInterval - an integer representing the duration in seconds between each check for idle connections. This value is ignored when maxIdleConnectionTime is less than or equal to zero. If this value is undefined or less than or equal to zero, then the interval is set to match maxIdleConnectionTime.

4521: Unable to retrieve user info from Auth0 OIDC IDP
Added more lenient parsing for OIDC IdPs which set updated_at property values on UserInfo responses which are not compliant with the OIDC spec.

4522: Unable to parse HTTP response cookies from Auth0 OIDC IdP
Exposed a new system property ignition.http.client.manager.cookieSpec to control the cookie parsing behavior of the IdP and Perspective HTTP Binding’s Http Client. This new system property may take one of the following values:

  • default: Default cookie specification that picks up the best matching cookie policy based on the format of cookies sent with the HTTP response.
  • netscape: This CookieSpec implementation conforms to the original draft specification published by Netscape Communications. It should be avoided unless absolutely necessary for compatibility with legacy applications.
  • standard: Standard CookieSpec implementation that enforces a more relaxed interpretation of the HTTP state management specification (RFC 6265, section 5) for interoperability with existing servers that do not conform to the well behaved profile (RFC 6265, section 4).
  • standard-strict: Standard CookieSpec implementation that enforces syntax and semantics of the well-behaved profile of the HTTP state management specification (RFC 6265, section 4).

If the system prop is undefined or does not match any of the supported values, default value should be default, which is the spec that was used by default in Ignition versions before this system property was exposed.

4530: IdP and Perspective HTTP Binding Http Client does not respect system proxy settings

  • Exposed a new system property ignition.http.client.manager.proxy.enabled
    • If set to true, the Platform’s HTTP Client will respect the JVM’s system default proxy settings
    • If false, the Platform’s HTTP Client will ignore the JVM’s system default proxy settings and disable proxying altogether as it has always been
    • Default value if undefined is false to reduce risks of breaking anything on upgrades
  • This new system property affects the IdP system and Perspective Http Binding’s Http Client