Nightly 8.1 Changelogs - 2021

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.14-b20211215


977: Alarm Journal and Status Table: add columns for associated data
Add column configurations for associated data for both Alarm Journal Table and Alarm Status Table.

1667: Power Chart: Browsing history with a root path will return cached results rather than newly queried results

This issue was resolved for DB historians early in 8.1. While debugging, it looks like DB historians will rebuild their cache of historical tags when a new historical tag is added. Not the case with internal historians, so this was still needed. This work adds the ability to requery the tags that are to be shown in the tag browser at a certain historical path ONLY if there is a value for the config.tagBrowserStartPath component property. These are the following scenarios that will trigger this requery:

  1. When the Power Chart first loads in the designer/session and makes the initial query to fetch historical results to display in the tag browser.
  2. When the config.tagBrowserStartPath component property changes.
  3. When the user clicks the (refresh) icon on the tag browser.
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