Nightly 8.1 Changelogs - 2021

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.8-b20210614


2705: Make theme ‘suggestions’ dynamic in the session props
The “theme” property in Perspective’ session props now has a dropdown helper to pick from the currently installed themes.

2653: Perspective Report Viewer’s “source” property should have a dropdown that lists available reports
The “source” property on the Report Viewer component for Perspective now has a dropdown to help select existing reports in the current project.

1177: Vision client launched from the designer (through the NCL) uses 256MB rather than project’s heap size
When launching a client from within the designer, the project launch memory settings are used instead of defaulting to 256MB max.

2255: Designer throwing no session found error with gateway restart
Designer no longer displays a “No session found” error dialog when the gateway restarts.


1290:Omron NJ driver tag import should use the new generic tag import/export page
Updated Omron NJ Address Config Page to use generic address configuration page.

Data Model

2245: Add Journal Events for Alarm Disabled/Enabled
Changing the enable state of an unfinished alarm will now store an associated enable / disable event to the alarm journal if storage is allowed as defined within the journal’s settings.


1808: Docker Image: Support Automated Commissioning of Gateway
Initial commissioning of gateway can now be conducted by supplying environment variables such as GATEWAY_ADMIN_PASSWORD=<password | salted hash>, ACCEPT_IGNITION_EULA=Y, IGNITION_EDITION=<full|edge|maker>, IGNITION_LICENSE_KEY=xxxx-xxxx, IGNITION_ACTIVATION_TOKEN= and more. Each environment variable also supports a file-based pointer when set as _FILE=/path/to/file/containing/value to support secrets management facilities.

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Nightly Changelog: 8.1.8-b20210615


1846: Implement new Look and Feel (Synthetica 3.4.0) in Ignition and verify existing LaF issues
Updated the bundled Look-And-Feel to 3.4.0.


Nightly Changelog: 8.1.8-b20210617


2786: Signature Pad is not reading mouse activity
Fixed an issue with translation resources being fetched with user actions (mouse, keyboard).

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Nightly Changelog: 8.1.8-b20210623


2178: Update Jython to 2.7.2 base
Updated Jython to version 2.7.2

2645: Internal Historian places data file within scope of Gateway Backup
Local SQLite database files used for internal storage profiles (e.g. alarm journal, audit log, tag historian) are no longer included in gateway backups and are now stored within the new /data/local/ directory.

2664: Add private Cache<Class, Optional> to TypeUtilities to avoid expensive lookups
Added method cache to TypeUtilities for better performance.

Data Model

2387: When system.tag.configure fails, it should return the reason in the quality code diagnostic message
When system.tag.configure fails, the cause of failure is now in the Error_Configuration quality code diagnostic message.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.8-b20210625


2607: Acknowledgements events not properly synced during full sync
Alarm acknowledgement events are longer lost when a full sync is performed between a redundant master and backup.


2645: Internal Historian places data file within scope of Gateway Backup
Local SQLite database files used for internal storage profiles (e.g. alarm journal, audit log, tag historian) are no longer included in gateway backups and are now stored within the new /data/local/ directory.


2381 visionClientLauncher doesn’t always show added project immediately after adding it
Upon first install the Vision Client Launcher now correctly shows any applications that are added from a gateway where the launcher was downloaded from.


1503: XY Chart: hover tooltips are not closing when data is actively changing and hence will accumulate
Fixed issue regarding persisting tooltips on the XY Chart component where the series has dynamically changing data values.


IGN-2751 Having a ‘Null’ in the email Contact Info of a user will prevent perspective session from being created in the designer
Having a null value in any of the contact info fields for a user will no longer prevent perspective sessions from being created in the designer.

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Nightly Changelog: 8.1.8-b20210629


972: Update (or move away from entirely) Ubuntu base image for Docker deployments
Base image for Docker image is now latest Ubuntu LTS release, ubuntu:20.04.

1252: Add timezone parameter/override to Ignition docker image
Docker image now fully supports setting Gateway timezone via TZ environment variable values containing valid TZ Database names such as America/Los_Angeles.

2436: Binary Installer HaltInstallExceptions still allow to “continue” the install when they should revert
Installer which encounters a critical error now prevents continuing the install and reverts the install progress after displaying the error.

1546: Installer: Filtered out files for upgrades (JDBC jars etc) should be copied out to some other dir so they exist on the filesystem
When upgrading, the Ignition Installer now places jdbc jars which don’t already exist in user-lib/jdbc directory into the user-lib/jdbc-bundled directory so these can be manually installed or upgraded during deployments without having to hunt down these jars.

Data Model

2755: Some UDT definition tags marked as Invalid on startup after upgrade to 8.1.7
Fixed an issue where UDT Instance members sometimes weren’t showing up after upgrade or restart.

1480: Double and Float tags are not stored to Internal Historian until next value change
The latest realtime tag value is now included in realtime tag history queries against an Internal Tag Historian.


2713: Forward port: AlarmEvent serialization fix for S+F
Fixed an issue where alarm journal data serialized through store and forward within an early 7.9 version wouldn’t forward properly upon upgrade.


Nightly Changelog: 8.1.8-b20210630


1573: UDT Tab in Tag Chooser from Tag Event Script Editor not showing relative context
When editing a Tag Event Script from within a UDT, the Insert Tag action’s UDT tab now displays relative to the parent UDT.


2055: throws IllegalArgumentException with non-ASCII characters
Client function no longer throws an IllegalArgumentException when a role contains non-ASCII characters.


Nightly Changelog: 8.1.8-b20210701


2894: Some Gateway Network queue override settings not used after gateway restart
Gateway network queue settings overrides now persist correctly through a gateway restart.


2747: Changes to Gateway Scheduled Scripts do not commit new changes that come after an initial save in the Designer
Fixed an issue where scheduled script commits wouldn’t save if previous changes had already been applied within the designer session.


2976: Memory Leak for Allen Bradley PLC5 driver
Fixed potential memory leak affecting various device drivers.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.8-b20210706


2769: Make SAX XMLReaders Safer
Fixed multiple potential XXE and SSRF vulnerabilities.


2773: system.opcua.addConnection should not mention internal DB tables
Updated argument description for system.opcua.addConnection.


2633: EAM Allow Send Tags to target Controller Gateway
Controller can now be targeted when sending tags through EAM.


2671: Spinner: Foreground & Background Colors Don’t Show In Vision Client
Colors shown in the Designer for a Spinner component should now work correctly in the Vision client.

1730: Using find/replace in the designer to change the UDT tag binding path for a template, then changing the tag path to match in the tag browser will not resolve the new path when the window is opened
Changing UDT Tag Binding paths in vision, using find/replace, will correctly bind to UDT Instance at new path.

Data Model

2113: Add Tag Provider read and write permissions using security levels, like tag editing permissions
Added the ability to set default security level permissions for a standard internal tag provider, including the Edge tag provider

  • Includes Read and Write permissions as well as a Read Only flag, just like the permissions set on an individual tag
  • Permissions are checked at the tag provider level first, and if the read or write request is authorized, permissions are checked at the individual tag level next
  • Applies to tag reads, writes, subscriptions, and browsing

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.8-b20210707


2423: Dropdown: clear icon in Dropdown component looks wrong when placed after an actual Icon component
Fixed issue with the clear icon in the Dropdown component that wasn’t displaying correctly when nested inside of a flex container.

2392: Designer action handling monitoring selection events logs unnecessary, verbose warnings from Perspective.PropertyJsonUtil
Added timestamp support to the PropertyJsonUtil to keep errors like this from being shown in the console:
Perspective.PropertyJsonUtil - Received unknown type code ‘ts’ in qualified value json

880: Page Configuration changes are not placed on event stack
Added an UndoAction to handle page configuration changes. Updates to page configuration can now be undone/redone using Ctrl+Z/Ctrl+Y, or the undo/redo action iconography.

2013: Docked View config panel is missing ability to sync params
Added parameter sync menu to docked view configuration ui.


2733: DNP3: Analog Inputs/Outputs converting 32 bit integer values as floats despite a default Integer type
Fixed a bug in the DNP3 driver which caused all read-in analog input/output point types to be incorrectly interpreted as floats despite specifying a variation that would return an integer. The value is now based on the variation number specified.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.8-b20210708


2112: Report viewer doesn’t display report not found for non-existing report
The Vision Report Viewer component will display Report Not Found for non-existing report paths after viewing an existing report.

2884: NPE is displayed when you delete a report after viewing it with a report viewer
The Vision Report Viewer component will no longer throw an NPE when deleting a report resource that is being viewed.

2711: Nested Containers won’t load Symbols correctly in Perspective
Perspective Symbol graphics will now load correctly if the Symbol was not initially visible when the view loaded (due to its or its ancestors position.display or meta.visible being set to false).

Data Model

2905: Tags with empty historical string parameters fail to load

  • Serialized tag configs with properties which fail to be deserialized to their known types are now handled more leniently
    • This is a more general solution to the specific problem where tags with empty string values for numeric historical properties (such as historySampleRate, historyMaxAge, historyTimeDeadband, and historicalDeadband) fail to load

2663: Using the X button on the warning popup deletes the UDT definition when deleting a UDT definition with dependent instances/sub-types
Fixed warning popup for deleting a UDT definition that has dependencies/sub-types.


2289: Set gateway scripting project on new Edge install to Edge project
The gateway scripting project is now automatically set to the Edge project on new Edge installations.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.8-b20210709


3193: EXPOSE definition in Dockerfile contains unnecessary port definition
Docker image now only exposes port 8088 by default, making it easier for apps such as Docker Dashboard to suggest the correct initial port for publishing when creating a container.


2964: Empty Page Configuration for project which has many configurations
Perspective page configurations will now correctly display upon restoring a Gateway

3207: Tag Browser Performance is much less responsive than in 7.9 with lots of tags
Improved performance of the Designer’s tag browser for folders with many tags updating frequently.


3132: Gateway Network incoming connection incorrectly remains in Running state, potentially causing duplication connection errors later
Incoming gateway network connections consistently fault after more than 60 seconds of lost network connectivity.


Nightly Changelog: 8.1.8-b20210712


2321: Improve the runtime cache checking mechanism in the launchers
The Designer and Vision Client Launchers perform additional checks against a cached runtime’s validity before attempting to launch to provide a more robust launching experience.


935: Movement with arrow keys not placed on event stack
Moving selected components via the arrow keys now creates undo actions to revert the movements.

IGN-2778 Perspective - component overlays when switching views
Added “Publish Initial Uncertain Value” option to tag bindings


1291: DNP3 driver should use the new generic tag import/export page
Updated DNP3 address config page to use updated design.

Data Model

2708: System.tag.addTag/editTag does not work with realtime tag provider permissions
Fixed a bug where legacy tag scripting functions such system.tag.addTag() were improperly rejecting calls due to permissions.


Nightly Changelog: 8.1.8-b20210713


2530: Uncaught Exception reading NodeDescription property of remote provider
Fixed an issue where an uncaught exception would be thrown when attempting to read the nodeDescription property of tag from a v7 remote provider

Data Model

589: Calculated roster cannot assign arbitrary user props (security PIN, language, etc)
Updated the ‘extraProps’ field in Calculated Roster types to allow setting arbitrary props on the returned users, including language, SIP User Pin, etc.

1659: Restore or Replace Functionality for system.tag.storeTagHistory
The system.tag.storeTagHistory function is no longer flagged as deprecated.


2229: Can’t revert override on gateway and client event scripts in a child project
Added the ability to delete top-level ‘singleton’ script resources (Gateway, client, and session event scripts) directly in inherited projects.

1625: Callback added to system.util.sendRequestAsync as a kwarg fires twice
The callback functions for system.util.sendRequestAsync are no longer called multiples times per request.


3224: Session Events should not be present under designer Project menu while in Vision
Fixed menu bar handling so that the ‘Session Events’ menu item is only available while in the Perspective workspace.

260: Transaction group designer icons
Modified the icon for Transaction Groups in the Designer when groups are partially running.

2508: Easy Chart Realtime Text Property reverts to the default value when entering Designer Preview mode
The Vision Easy Chart no longer reverts the Realtime Text property when entering Preview mode.


Nightly Changelog: 8.1.8-b20210714


3229: Report Module - Fix support for HTML in text shape
Fixed issues with HTML interpretation when rendering basic HTML formatted text in reports.

791: Vision Client tags shouldn’t allow binary,document and Text datatypes
Updated the Vision client tag editor to prevent incompatible data types (binary data, text, document) from being selected.


2673: Changing DataType in PLC program isn’t noticed until edit/save of device
Changing a tag datatype in a Logix PLC (v21+) now will reflect the correct datatype when dragged into the Tag Browser via the OPC Browser or Tag Creator without the need to edit/save the device connection.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.8-b20210715


892: The undo and redo buttons are not disabled while the Designer is in preview mode
Undo and Redo buttons on the main toolbar will now appropriately be disabled when the Designer is in preview mode.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.8-b20210716


3125: Scripting function system.tag.configure does not honor ignore flag for collision policy
Collision policy “ignore” is not applied correctly to tag edits.


884: Property Modification is not placed on Designer event stack
Modifications to component properties made within the Property Editor (write, rename, delete) are now added to the undo stack, and can be undone/redone.

885: Z-Index manipulation is not placed on the Designer event stack
Z-Index modifications are now placed on the Undo Stack, allowing them to be undone/redone.

929: Movement in flex container not added to Undo stack
Movement of child components within a Flex Container, which is based on Z-Index, are now placed on the Undo Stack allowing them to be undone/redone.

1427: Dropdown component options are not translated
Perspective dropdown component now honors localization translation definitions

1601: Vision Dropdown List set to with Display Mode set to Table will throw an error with Row Height set to zero
Setting a Vision Dropdown List component’s Row Height property to 0 while in Table display mode no longer throws an IllegalArgumentException

2162: Precision loss when writing Long values to Properties in Vision
Fixed an edge case where certain large numbers would lose precision when assigned directly to custom properties from scripting.


Nightly Changelog: 8.1.8-b20210719

Data Model

2740: Perspective Tag History Binding doesn’t return Periodic results for 1 datapoint if on the hour and Prevent Interpolation is True
A tag history value whose timestamp was exactly on a query window boundary would be treated as interpolated, and could result in no row written if “prevent interpolation” was used on the query.

2797: Memory tag dataset containing a byte[] stream does not persist through restarts
ByteArray Memory Tags and Dataset Memory Tags containing byte arrays will now persist through gateway and tag provider restarts.

2726: UDT definition member tags lost after upgrade from 7.9
Some tags in complex UDT definition hierarchies were not converted properly during a Ignition 7 to 8 upgrade.

1527: Add dynamic meta property to a tag that represents whether the subscriber (client) has read or write access
Added canRead property to tags. The property is true when the current user can read the tag, false otherwise.

Added canWrite property to tags. The property is true when the current user can write to the tag, false otherwise.

Both these properties are always readable regardless of the tags permissions.

IGN-2721 Re-fix IGN-965: Importing UDTs with existing definitions doesn’t overwrite the entire definition when overwrite option is selected.
Importing a UDT or UDT instance with the overwrite collision policy now overwrites the entire definition instead of just the member tags included with the import.


3271: Changing component selection feels slow in the Designer
Performance improvements in the Designer when changing component selection in Perspective.


Nightly Changelog: 8.1.8-b20210720


1167: Find and Replace does not work properly for Closed Templates
Fixed an issue with the advanced ‘Copy/Paste XML From Clipboard’ Vision actions.