Nightly 8.1 Changelogs - 2021

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.6-b20210512


2402: Perspective Closed Session terminal state page is failing to load
Checking that the center element exists before reading data from it.

2419: Passing page parameters in the URL will not update when modified from the address bar in browser
Corrected issue with URL parameters being passed to views that were already running.

2377: Quality Overlays not applied to Text Field and Text Area
Making sure that qualities get applied to both components.

No Release Notes for 5/13, 5/14 & 5/17

No Release Notes for 5/18/2021

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.7-b20210518


793: Add options for OPC UA Certificate Generation
The gateway OPC UA → Security → Certificates page now support handling custom field values for regenerated certificates.

For Server Certificates the user can now change the validity length and the DNS/IP Address list for the Subject Alternate Names field.

Client Certificate regeneration supports custom validity length only.


2506: EAM tasks throw error on controller and lock up the internal DB
Fixed an issue preventing EAM tasks from executing if using an on-demand mode.


2413: Dropdown: portal offset from viewport origin instead of view origin
Dropdown component’s dropdown, and other popups now displays in the correct position within the center view when docks are enabled.

2463: View Canvas: useDefaultHeight/Width are swapped
View Canvas useDefaultHeight/Width now will honor the correct props.


2517: issue with Java 11.0.11+9-LTS
Email notifications and scripted sendEmail() calls which do not use an SMTP profile now use TLSv1.2 by default. Re-enabling TLSv1 or TLSv1.1 requires updating the files (see JDK-8254713) as well as adding the following prop: -Dmail.smtp.ssl.protocols=TLSv1,TLSv1.1,TLSv1.2.

Data Model

2152: Discrepancy between runNamedQuery and runQuery initial returns to expression tags after Gateway Restart
Gateway-scoped runScript expressions (and consequentially, expression tags with runScript expressions) now re-evaluate when the Gateway has started up and for any update to the Gateway Scripting Project Name or for any updates to the Gateway Scripting Project itself

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.7-b20210519


2421: Report Viewer: the open in new tab action is failing in Perspective Workstation
ReportViewer Component allowOpenInTab prop is now always treated as false when viewed in Perspective Workstation/iOS/Android apps due to user experience/technical/security limitations. allowDownload prop is now always treated as false in Perspective iOS/Android Apps for the same reasons.

2107: Old bindings in perspective execute right before shutdown during project update
Reduced Perspective Session Refresh Thrash when Project is Updated or User’s Auth Status Changes without Security Level Change

2410: Named Query Binding does not refresh when session’s security levels change
Named Query Bindings are now refreshed when the user’s security levels change in the session.

1115: Table: selectedRow and selection’s data properties do not re-evaluate when the data property changes
When the data component property updates and a selection is in place on the table, the selection component property is now updated to reflect the visual selection within the table.


127: Edge remote journal and audit records don’t sync from restored redundant backup gateway unless current sync id’s are reset
Syncid records are now stored in the same database as local syncable data, meaning that the sync ids used for edge data sync no longer need resetting after gateway restore or failover to a redundant backup.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.7-b20210520


707:Week View Calendar Component - Fall Daylight Savings Adds 24 Hour Event
Events in the Week View, Schedule Management, and User Management Vision components no longer show a 24-hour event the day following a leap-forward Daylight Saving transition.

708: DST days on Schedule Component Preview not displaying correctly
Events in the Week View, Schedule Management, and User Management Vision components no longer show a show an incorrect offset or extra event during a Daylight Saving transition.


2386: AD Usersource Running on Secondary Controller Authenticates via Failover Source When Set to Hard Failover Mode
Fixed an issue with AD user source profile types which caused a hard-failover to occur when the secondary domain controller is reachable but invalid user credentials are provided.

Data Model

2288: Twilio: Connections to multiple sub accounts causes all but one to have an authentication error
Fixed a regression which caused account credentials of the last loaded Twilio account to be used for all Twilio accounts. Multiple Twilio accounts can now be used without authentication errors.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.7-b20210524

Data Model

1652: Tag Creator: Adding folder with tags and immediately removing it still creates empty folder
Fixed to ensure that the deleted folder is fully removed in the Tag Creator dialog.


2405: AJT: Calendar within historical tab of date range selector not visibly initializing with default day and not changing day upon click
Added the startDate back to the default historical config and set it to the current date/time minus 8 hours.

2599: Vision Shape’s “fill paint” property editor dialog’s close button becomes invisible when making a selection
Fixed issue that caused the close button of the Vision paint editor popup to disappear.

2316: Menu Tree: Add item option to reset menu state after click
Menu Tree component’s menu items have a new boolean prop: resetOnClick. When an item is clicked with resetOnClick true, the Menu Tree component will return to the root of the menu tree.

2487: Vision Power Table will break the designer if text wrapping is enabled while a configureCell() script manipulates certain attributes
Fixed issue that would freeze the UI when trying to set “horizontalAlignment” through the Power Table’s configureCell() extension function on a column that had “Wrap Text” set to true.


2408: Add system.device.reset() script function
Added gateway and client script system.devices.restart() for restarting OPC UA device connections.

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Nightly Changelog: 8.1.7-b20210525

Data Model

1709: Improve indication of licensing requirements for DB Table Provider & Power Chart
Added additional indication for DB Table Provider and Power Chart component instead of silently failing when Tag Historian module is not installed or Tag Historian is unlicensed and trial has expired.


2219: DateTime: Displayed days of previous months are incorrect
Fixed issue with date time components where the previous months were showing incorrect days.


2346: DNP3: bad quality returned when reading non-zero index binary point type in packed format (variation 1)
Bad quality is no longer returned when reading or subscribing to a valid binary point type in packed format (variation 1) with a non-zero index.


IGN-2432 Installations that specified PrintGCTimeStamps flag fail to start up after upgrade to 8
Fixed upgrader logic to comment out unsupported “PrintGCTimeStamps” parameter from the conf file during upgrade from 7.9 to 8.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.7-b20210526


2220: Drivers should allow the local address that connections originate from to be configured
Each device driver, where applicable, now has a “Local Address” setting used for specifying which local address to bind to when establishing a TCP connection.


2649: Column and Breakpoint Container: infinite update loop or similar causing view config undefined error when toggling designer preview state
Perspective column and breakpoint containers: fixed bug introduced in 8.1.4 where toggling preview mode within the designer may result in an error if the root container is either a column or breakpoint container.

2295: Unable to acknowledge alarm on status table when state text is translated
Alarm Status Table Acknowledge button now works with alarms that have a translated state.

2428: Hide/filter the “Text” data type in the Tag Editor
The “Text” datatype is no longer available when creating a new tag.

Data Model

2350: No way to escape {0} without using Parameters in an opcItemPath within a UDT Def
Changed the behavior so BoundPropertyExpression will return {propertyName} if the property isn’t found.

2617: Slow Tag Loading Process In 8.1.5
Fixed performance issue with deeply nested tag structures preventing gateway from starting up. Fix also applies to importing tags with deeply nested tag structures timing out.

2578: 7.9 UDT parameters are imported incorrectly into 8.1 via xml
Tag XML files from Ignition 7.9 with UDT parameters are not imported correctly into Ignition 8.1.


2059: Quick Start attempts to initialize and results in exceptions even if required modules are not installed
Fixed some startup issues that could occur if Quick Start was attempted, but required modules were missing.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.7-b20210527


1957: Mobile Keyboards Capitalize First Letter Of Username During Login
When using Ignition IDP, username field of login will no longer auto-capitalize the first letter on mobile devices.

2308: Small typo and checkbox alignment issue on SSL Certificate Wizard page
Fixed typo on Web Server Certificate Wizard gateway page.

Data Model

2344: Reference Tags don’t set relative path correctly in UDT Defs when tag exists in folder
“Browse tags” now works correctly to set the relative source tag path of a reference tag when it is nested within a folder of a UDT definition.


2622: certificateAlreadyTrusted error thrown during connection attempt to Schneidner Electric OPC UA server
Fixed an error in discovery wizard when connecting to some servers that don’t have a certificate configured.


1206: Date Time Input: should not expand on context menu click
Fixed issue with Date Time Input component where a right click was incorrectly opening the Date Time Picker.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.7-b20210528


2494: Named query database parameter doesn’t work with system.db.runSFNamedQuery
Fixed an issue with the system.db.runSFNamedQuery function where the database parameter wouldn’t be used if included within the named query params.


2270: NPE in OPC UA certificate management routes
Fixed NPE on OPC UA certificate management page

Data Model

2198: Cannot create sibling tag when UDT Instance is selected
Right clicking UDT Instances will allow creation of sibling tags again via New Tag menu.

2276: Add New Tag and Add New Data Type options are not working in UDT definition from Tag Browser
New Tag action will only show allowed Tag Types for the current destination.

Adding tags to a UDT through the Tag Browser is no longer allowed and should be done through the Tag Editor.

1679: Tag Browser doesn’t flag UDT Defs that have invalid parents
The Tag Browser now displays a warning icon when a UDT type or instance has an invalid parent

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Nightly Changelog: 8.1.7-b20210531


1107: Designer/Client LogViewer Details colors do not conform with look and feel
Updated Client/Designer Diagnostics log viewer colors.

2677: Providing duplicate component name in project browser for Perspective component should warn against duplication
Added navigation tree badge warning for Perspective components that have duplicate names.


2171: can’t POST binary data
The http client provided by can now dispatch a POST containing a binary data payload without corruption.

1528: Make all Edge features (including Compute) available when Edge is in Trial
Edge Compute and Edge IIoT functionalities can now be used in trial mode when on Ignition Edge.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.7-b20210602


2574: Reporting Scheduled Email action doesn’t allow uppercase in From Address
Changed reporting email validator to allow uppercase letters in all email addresses.

683: Gateway scripting project and gateway audit profile don’t show up on Maker
Fixed an issue where the “Gateway Scripting Project” field wouldn’t be located under the “Main” category within the “Gateway Settings” webpage.


2440: system.opc.browseServer results should include methods
Method Nodes are now included in OPC browse results (primarily for use by callers of system.opc.browseServer).

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.7-b20210603


2553: Scripting can execute reports in disabled projects
Attempting to run a report in a disabled project will now throw an error.

2545: Perspective Project Update Route Handler Times Out Too Aggressively
Prevented HTTP 503 error updating Perspective projects.

2709: iOS - Unable to launch Perspective sessions successfully on iOS 12 and 11
Fixed major regression introduced in 8.1.16 that was preventing launched Perspective sessions from loading when using older versions of Safari browser (11 and 12).

2683: OPC UA Server Diagnostics table is not displayed after enabling diagnostics
Fixed issue of OPC UA connection diagnostics panel not showing up.

2695: Perspective expressions and transforms fail to catch RuntimeExceptions thrown by various expressions
Fixed issue that could cause an expression binding to fail to provide a value under certain error conditions.


2307: Label mismatch with Intermediate CA Certificate in SSL cert chain setup
Fixed header for root certificates in web server certificate wizard, updated descriptions to be more accurate and consistent.


1740: Add char() and ordinal() expression functions
Added char() and ordinal() expression functions.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.8-b20210604


705: Edge Plugins page displaying incorrect and outdated information
Updated the Edge Overview page to better reflect activated plugins when license is applied.

2656: In Vision 8.1.5, Property Bindings on Grouped Components Persist After the Grouping is Removed, Resulting in Null Pointer Exceptions and an Undeletable Component
Fixed issue that left orphaned bindings in place when un-grouping a group with bindings on it.

2471: Perspective Routes#getOrCreateSession() throws uncaught IllegalArgumentException if language tag is malformed
Malformed locales will no longer result in an exception. Instead a warning will be logged.

2108: Alarm Status Table and Alarm Journal Table: refresh rate of 0 should execute query once on startup, and again on-demand if any parameters (e.g. filter values) change

Data Model

1902: PythonResourceHandler treats user provided HTML as ISO-8859-1, regardless of contentType specification
Changed the default encoding for ‘html’, ‘json’, and ‘response’ keys in Webdev to UTF-8. Also, the provided Content-Type header will now be parsed for a charset, allowing specific charsets to be specified more easily.

2716: Overwriting UDT definition will lose all overrides on sub-type members (Rollback IGN-965)
See linked Technical Advisory


2718: Gateway Scheduled Scripts do not show the correct scripts when the Gateway Event Scripts window is closed and reopened
Fixed an issue where the scheduled script editor would sometimes overwrite a saved script with another script’s content.


1402: Add capability to opt-into automatic IdP login in Perspective

  • Added the capability to opt-into automatic IdP login in Perspective on a per-project basis
    • New checkbox setting in Designer > Project Properties > Project > General controls whether or not automatic IdP login is enabled (disabled by default for new and existing projects)
      • Important Note: this setting and capability only applies to Perspective (does not apply to Vision)
      • Users will be redirected to the IdP as soon as they land on a perspective project protected by authentication
  • Users are now brought to a new Logged Out terminal state page after logging out of their session if the project requires authentication
  • New setting in Designer > Project Properties > Perspective > General controls the message that is displayed to users on the Logged Out terminal state page
  • Added a new message argument to the system.perspective.logout script function to specify which message is displayed to the user on the Logged Out terminal state page (takes precedence over the message defined in project properties)

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.8-b20210607


1230: Numeric Entry Field Formatting Is Incorrect
Numeric Entry Field will now correctly handle optionals (#s) after the decimal place.

2707: Display save timestamp in status bar message
Added the current time to the informational ‘Save Completed’ message in the status bar.


2174: system.opcua.addConnection and system.opcua.removeConnection
New scripting functions for adding/removing OPC UA connections: system.opcua.addConnection and system.opcua.removeConnection.


Nightly Changelog: 8.1.8-b20210608


2194: Designer Launcher unable to detect gateway with IPv6 format
All Launchers now support IPv6 for gateway addresses.

Data Model

1746: History Providers are not restarted when DB connection string is changed
Tag history providers will now restart when a database connection is edited, to account for possible changes in the connection string.


2547: Custom Method Parameter Names Split on ‘_’ and get treated as separate parameters
Fixed custom method parameter names in Vision and Perspective from splitting when ‘_’ is used.


2433: User Management Component displays wrong error message when new user is added
Fixed incorrect error message when a user with a blank user source was added in the User Management component in Vision.

1276: Collections, JsonArray, and DocumentArray Support in Expressions
Significantly expanded support for complex datatypes (arrays, lists, JSON objects, etc) in the expression language. In particular, made changes to indexOf, lastIndexOf, sum, stdDev, mean, median, max, min, groupConcat, len, jsonGet, jsonSet, and the subscript ‘operator’ (i.e. {someCollection[index] is now supported)

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Nightly Changelog: 8.1.8-b20210609


1207 View instance does not completely fill width of carousel when useDefaultViewWidth is disabled
Carousel Component now applies props.appearance.slidePadding to both sides of the view, regardless of the dimensions of the slide or whether or not it uses default width.


2318: Leaving launchers open can consume unnecessary CPU
Optimized the Designer Launcher, Vision Client Launcher, and Perspective Workstation multicast matching services used for local network gateway discovery to reduce CPU usage.

*1268: Docker Image: Add ability to provide arbitrary wrapper/JVM parameters
Docker image now supports arbitrary JVM/wrapper args that can be supplied after a double-hyphen delimiter at the end of the container run command. These args can be used as an alternative to editing the java.wrapper.additional.X=… or other entries in ignition.conf file.

Data Model

2443: Tags stored in a Remote History Provider can have the wrong scid assigned to them
Tag history stored through remote history provider will now show up correctly in historical browse trees.


1877 Change signature of system.tag.exportTags that returns a string rather than saves to a file
The function system.tag.exportTags now returns a String containing the export if no filePath argument is supplied, or the full path to the export file if it was supplied.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.8-b20210610


2445: Vision: Easy charts cause vision clients to become unresponsive when rendering large amounts of data from DB pens
Improved Client responsiveness when rendering a large number of data points with line renderers in the Easy Chart.

2608: Column Container: When bound to data, changing a components position.height property does not apply immediately
Tab, column, and breakpoint containers now listen to changes made to child position properties, again. Fixes a regression introduced with performance updates in 8.1.

765: Add ability to read inactive time in a running session
A new session prop has been added: lastActivity. It’s the Gateway date of the last user activity in the Client. Readonly. It is updated under the same conditions as the Inactivity timeout, but does not require the Inactivity timeout to be enabled.


2337: Warning is logged when you save a project library script that is empty
Saving an empty Project Script no longer logs an exception on the Gateway.

1465: Database connections with each other as failovers cause stack overflow
Fixed an issue where database failover could enter a recursive loop, leading to a StackOverflowError.

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Nightly Changelog: 8.1.8-b20210611


2620: During Gateway Backups, ignore .gwbk files
Now filtering out any existing .gwbk files from the data folder or one of its subfolders when taking a gateway backup.

1762: Allow runScript expression function to return a QualifiedValue directly
The runScript expression function now allows a script to return a QualifiedValue.

Data Model

2071: DB Table Historian will flood the wrapper log with errors if a tag does not have a t_stamp named column and used in a Power Chart
Logging errors from DB Table Historian is now metered to once per minute, with subsequent messages being set to DEBUG level.

IGN-1797 Tag Editor Refresh Button performs Apply action
The Designer Tag Editor refresh button now prompts the user when changes have been made.


2516: Translation Manager: Unable to delete individual translated values
Deleting individual translations from the Translation Manager now persist after closing the Designer.


2730: Add “Applies to Perspective only” copy to IdP Auto Redirect project property
Change tooltip for new auto IdP login setting to make it more clear that the setting applies to Perspective only.

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