Nightly 8.1 Changelogs - 2022

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.15-b20220131

Data Model

2551: SFC Legend doesn’t show anything
The SFC legend can now be properly viewed in the Designer and SFC Monitor component.

5454: Toggling alarm Enabled loses all other alarm configuration on tag
Fixed issue where writing to an alarm configuration property would replace all existing alarm configurations with the single configuration being modified.

IGN-4925 ‘Error saving node configuration’ spamming logs until resetting tag provider
Made tag config storage/retrieval more robust.


2741: Adding Locale typed cell in dataset editor throws error
The Vision dataset editor no longer throws a ClassCastException when adding new rows with columns containing Locale types.

729: Comments Panel: Download attachment links get disabled after being clicked once
Clicking a download link in the Vision Comments Panel component no longer leaves subsequent downloads unusable.

3636: client keystroke scripts are loaded within designer if in preview mode
Client keystroke scripts no longer fire in Designer preview mode.

5485: Missing Perspective or 3rd party components causing view config is undefined and objectForSaveError
Missing or unregistered components by external authors no longer cause an opened view in the Designer to never load.

3933: Alarm journal component filter section doesn’t align properly when resized
Fixed the layout of the Vision Alarm Journal component Filter panel from growing out of proportion when resized.


5409: Server health check task is registered with duplicate key, resulting in only one server being monitored
Resolved issue where multiple OPC DA client connections would see bad/not connected tag qualities over time, or not reconnect correctly after server disconnection.


2993: messageHandler will fail when returning BasicStreamingDataset within data structure
Fixed an issue where a gateway message handler returning a data structure containing a database query result dataset would block an error when consumed from designer/client scope.


1478: From scripting, fetching the list of all configured user source profiles will allow users to discover and select a user source as input to other scripting functions
Added system.user.getUserSources scripting function to return the list of all user source profiles configured in the system