Nightly 8.1 Changelogs - 2022

This post contains changelog entries for nightly builds available in 2022

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Nightly Changelog: 8.1.14-b20220104


3114: Reporting Property Inspector tooltip background/fill incomplete
Tooltips in Reporting property tables now render properly.

4018: Disabled named queries should be listed with disabled icon in path selection tree
Updated the Named Query disabled icon in the Project Browser and query selector dialogs.

3195: Spinner: If the spinner is set to Date mode, it won’t change to another mode until the window is closed and reopened
The Vision Spinner component now properly switches to and from Date Mode.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.14-b20220105


563: Dashed line does not appear dashed in report pdf
Dashed lines no longer show as solid in Reporting PDFs.

3331: Add refresh capability to File Explorer component
Added a right-click context menu to the Vision File Explorer with a refresh option.

1758: Data Sources In Key Browser Have No Discernible Order
Ordering of report parameters and data source keys in Key Browser now match the Data tab.

2946: Alarm status table’s footer properties aren’t reloaded after changing notes area properties
Alarm status table maintains footer display settings as note area properties are changed.

2861: The Status Chart component does not sort Series Data alphanumerically in Tall format
Status chart y-axis is sorted alphanumerically when using string values in tall mode.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.14-b20220106


4898: Report Simple Table: NPE when adding row/column between merged cell (recurrence of IGN-1509)
No longer throwing an exception when adding a row or column after a merged cell in the Reporting simple table component.

4367: Double click to open table customizer on power table
Double clicking on a Power Table now opens the table customizer.

5190: Feature to change alignment on Alarm Journal and Alarm Status Table header
Added the ability to change the alignment of the Alarm Journal and Alarm Status table components.

5105: Feature to change font on Alarm Journal Table headers
Added the ability to change the font of the Alarm Journal table.

2909: Thumbnails in Image Browser do not scale properly
Thumbnails shown in the Image Browser now scale appropriately.

4205: Popup calendar component style regression
The Vision Popup Calendar drop down button consistently displays the appropriate LaF.

1379: Scrollbar width can not be set unless Touchscreen Mode is enabled for Vision project
Scrollbar width can now be set on Vision client startup when touchscreen is enabled/disabled.

Data Model

5361: Colors cannot be stored in dataset tags anymore
Colors can now be stored in Datasets again with additional functionality to add colors to datasets via the UI.

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Nightly Changelog: 8.1.14-b20220107


5354: Histogram metric serializer divide-by-zero arithmetic exception
Prevent divide by zero exception in histogram metric that is causing metric dashboard to display not available metrics.

2893: NPE, redraw issues when pie chart with SQL data binding uses ‘By Row’ extract order
Binding Vision Pie Chart data with a SQL query while using By Row extract order no longer throws an NPE.

4952: Fix XY Chart position problems when rotating labels
XYChart properties, add axis label vertical and horizontal centering, allow advanced free form configuration that allows additional properties. See docs.

3482: Status bar gateway icon (lower right) should open gateway web UI when clicked
Clicking on the Gateway icon in the Designer status bar now opens the connected Gateway in a browser.


3609: Designer Launcher incorrectly reports “incompatible version” when gateway hasn’t been commissioned
The Designer Launcher now properly shows when a Gateway needs to be commissioned.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.14-b20220110


5123: Shelved Alarms are not handled correctly when switching between Backup/Master in a redundant setup
Alarm shelf did not stay synchronized between redundant nodes under certain conditions. Also fixed a ConcurrentModificationException when opening the alarm shelf on a client.


877: On the Schedule Management component in Vision, have the Schedule layout match the Week layout when adjusting/adding a schedule
The layout of the Schedule Management component now matches the first day of the week given the local timezone in a Vision Client.

2923: Calendar component shows wrong date for Today if left open overnight
The Vision Week and Month View component calendars now consistently update the current date when left open overnight.

4132: Polling Rate on SQL binding enabled by default when default option is Off
The polling rate input for SQL and Named Query bindings properly defaults to “off.”

2565: User Management component - Uncommitted contact info entry will be carried across edited users
The User Management component no longer shows uncommitted changes when editing multiple users.

3113: Vision Radio Button “Fill Background” Doesn’t Take Effect Immediately
Changing the Fill Background property of a Vision Radio Button now takes effect immediately.

2807: Create color properties for the Roster Management component
Now exposing color properties for the Vision Roster Management component.

5364: Alarm Status Table, failed to query alarms as result of SimpleDateFormat index out of bounds exception
Resolve issue where alarm tables were failing to query alarms due to an index out of bounds exception being thrown, originating from use of non-thread safe date formatter. Possibly resolves reports of intermittent inaccuracies with alarm event activeTime being observed in the alarm table.

3935: ClassNotFoundException when pasting a 0R0C dataset into dataset viewer
Pasting an empty dataset into the Dataset Editor no longer throws a ClassNotFoundException.


4882: system.util.invokeAsynchronous intellihint is missing a return value description
The documentation for the scripting function invokeAsynchronous has been updated to reflect a proper return type.

Data Model

5117: Using polling runScript expressions in transition blocks results in ExecutionQueue errors and GatewayScriptFunction warnings
Fixed a race condition which would cause “Timer already cancelled” errors to occur when SFCs execute runScript expressions.

4126: system.tag.queryTagDensity intellihint description is misleading
Clarified description for system.tag.queryTagDensity scripting function.


5284: Internal IDP hostname comparison should be case-insensitive
Fixed an issue where IdP login from a vision client, designer, or perspective mobile app could throw a 500 internal server error if the gateway URL scheme or hostname is configured with non-lowercase characters.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.14-b20220113


5314: Logix driver request accumulation and delays
Prevent the accumulation of Requests and long delays before execution while the driver is not connected. This had impacts on memory usages and read/write timeouts from scripting.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.15-b20220121

Data Model

5336: Add License State to system tags
Added system tag to monitor the platform’s license state.


3950: Add Device name on Modbus Address Mapping page
Modbus address config page now includes the device name in the page header.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.15-b20220124


2532: Dragging a tag onto an easy chart does not use the tag’s engineering unit’s for the axis name
Dropping a tag onto an Easy Chart will use the tag’s engineering units when creating the axis.

4020: Some Bar Chart and Gantt Chart properties are missing descriptions
Added missing property descriptions for Vision components.

3903: Typo in tooltip key for Fullscreen and Workstation mode action delegates
Fixed various UI tooltips in Perspective.

5309: Dropdown: Active state is still toggled when the component is disabled
Disabling a Dropdown Component when the dropdown is active will no longer result in the dropdown becoming unusable when it becomes no longer disabled.

4856: Perspective One shot Button with ‘Confirm’ enabled can cause infinite loop when Pressed at certain Zoom levels

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.15-b20220125


IGN-5291 Blocked perspective-worker threads caused by long running perspective-queue thread on view startup, causes slow initialization in Perspective
Optimized map transforms which were spiking thread counts in the perspective-worker pool during view startup.

1009: Cannot use system.db functions after retargeting from Edge to full Gateway
Vision Client retargets now launch the new client with the correct settings for different editions as well as the condensed dialog font option if specified ensuring that edition specific features match the requirements of the new client.

2898: Vision: setting the value property of cylindrical tank or level indicator component with script throws error
Setting the value property of a Cylindrical Tank or Level Indicator component no longer throws a read only attribute error.

5175: ErrorUtil popup can’t be seen if triggered while a modal dialog (e.g. Vision binding configurator) is visible
Designer Error and Warning dialogs no longer appear behind modal dialogs.

Data Model

4529: Relocate “Limit” tag diagnostic
Moved the tag diagnostic stat for deadband limit into Deadband category.

5397 Alarm events within a remote pipeline don’t update status after a jump block
Fixed an issue where alarm events within remote pipelines wouldn’t be monitored for future event updates if the event transitioned to another pipeline through use of a jump block.


3258: Display all of the common reasons why authentication could have failed
Login pages across Ignition/Perspective/Vision have been updated to display (all) common reasons for failed logins, while not displaying specific reasons due to security best practices.

5378: High User Inactivity Timeout causes gateway webpage to crash

  • The user inactivity timeout value on the Gateway Web Interface > Config > Security > General page now limits the acceptable range of values to -150,000,000 to 150,000,000 to prevent setting to a value which could cause an underflow or overflow, preventing the web interface from loading
  • The cache validation timeout value on the Gateway Web Interface > Config > Security > Users, Roles page now limits the acceptable range of values to -9,000,000,000 to 9,000,000,000 to prevent setting to a value which could cause user source profiles to fail returning its list of users and roles

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.15-b20220126


3972: Existing EAM alarm evaluators not updated with new pipeline settings
EAM controller alarm pipeline changes now take effect immediately. Before, a module restart was required for pipeline changes to take effect.


1352: Tag Binding: Cannot Coerce Value error from .value tag binding on fill paint property in Vision
Fixed an issue where using the fully qualified value property of a tag in a tag binding on a Color or Paint property would throw an error.

4691: Non-ASCII characters are lost when a report saves as a CSV
Reports generating CSV files now preserve non-ASCII characters.

4220: Perspective dropdown component cuts off start of selection labels when component thin and search enabled
The value of a Dropdown Component will no longer be cut off when the component is thin and search is enabled.

2805: Incorrect scripting name for Easy Chart X-Trace Track Mouse property in property editor
Fixed reading and writing to the Easy Chart.xTraceTrackMouse property in bindings.

5106: Perspective pages fail to load in older versions of Chrome
Fixed issue with versions 57-60 of Chromium where Perspective was not able to load views that were referencing the DOMRect class.

Data Model

4309: Tags named “types” cannot be deleted
Unable to delete a tag folder named “types”.


5390: Double Quotes Added to OPC UA Server Cert DNS names
Fixed extra quotes around DNS names in OPC UA server certificate.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.15-b20220127


5421: OPC Quick Client doesn’t properly manage subscriptions across multiple servers
OPC Quick Client now properly manages subscriptions across multiple servers.

5155: Perspective Map: onMapClick and onVectorClick component events are both triggered when clicking on a vector
Added a stopPropagation property to vector shapes and markers on the Map component in order to allow the user to determine how events should propagate between the children of the map component and the parent map component itself.

Data Model

2401: Shelving remote alarms from a remote tag provider create multiple entries in the alarm status table
Fixed an issue where duplicate paths were being listed for remote shelved alarms when the gateway has more than one remote tag provider defined. This affects the alarm status table component in Vision and Perspective as well as the system.alarm.getShelvedPaths() function.

308: Restarting Remote Provider Can Cause Bad_Stale Tag Quality
Fixed an issue where restarting remote tag providers can cause tags to be stuck indefinitely in Bad_Stale quality.

IGN-5394 Include java.sql.Timestamp, Primitive Types in dataset tag type whitelist
Resolved issue where datasets with columns of type java.sql.Timestamp or java primitives could not be written to tags.

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Nightly Changelog: 8.1.15-b20220131

Data Model

2551: SFC Legend doesn’t show anything
The SFC legend can now be properly viewed in the Designer and SFC Monitor component.

5454: Toggling alarm Enabled loses all other alarm configuration on tag
Fixed issue where writing to an alarm configuration property would replace all existing alarm configurations with the single configuration being modified.

IGN-4925 ‘Error saving node configuration’ spamming logs until resetting tag provider
Made tag config storage/retrieval more robust.


2741: Adding Locale typed cell in dataset editor throws error
The Vision dataset editor no longer throws a ClassCastException when adding new rows with columns containing Locale types.

729: Comments Panel: Download attachment links get disabled after being clicked once
Clicking a download link in the Vision Comments Panel component no longer leaves subsequent downloads unusable.

3636: client keystroke scripts are loaded within designer if in preview mode
Client keystroke scripts no longer fire in Designer preview mode.

5485: Missing Perspective or 3rd party components causing view config is undefined and objectForSaveError
Missing or unregistered components by external authors no longer cause an opened view in the Designer to never load.

3933: Alarm journal component filter section doesn’t align properly when resized
Fixed the layout of the Vision Alarm Journal component Filter panel from growing out of proportion when resized.


5409: Server health check task is registered with duplicate key, resulting in only one server being monitored
Resolved issue where multiple OPC DA client connections would see bad/not connected tag qualities over time, or not reconnect correctly after server disconnection.


2993: messageHandler will fail when returning BasicStreamingDataset within data structure
Fixed an issue where a gateway message handler returning a data structure containing a database query result dataset would block an error when consumed from designer/client scope.


1478: From scripting, fetching the list of all configured user source profiles will allow users to discover and select a user source as input to other scripting functions
Added system.user.getUserSources scripting function to return the list of all user source profiles configured in the system


5411: Prevent delays and request accumulation while waiting for channel reconnect
NJ, FINS, and DNP3: prevent the accumulation of Requests and long delays before execution while driver is not connected. This had impacts on memory usages and read/write timeouts from scripting.

5480: The function system.opcua.callMethod incorrectly encodes ByteString parameters
Support coercion of primitive arrays to ByteString when writing to tags or calling methods with ByteString type input arguments.

Data Model

5286: Reference Tag and Binding Loop cause an infinite remote tag read loop
Prevent infinite loop caused by bi-directional property binding to reference tag.

2962: system.alarm.acknowledge() can cause duplicate events in alarm journal
Fixed an issue that allowed acknowledged alarm events to still be acknowledged again. In addition, changed the system.alarm.acknowledge function to return a Set of alarm event ids (UUIDs) that were unable to be acknowledged successfully.


3262: Perspective Map Component: Modifying a geoJSON object does not redraw the geoJson layer until the map component is refreshed.
Changes made to a GeoJSON layer of the Map component are now visualized in the map.

4798: Perspective Map: Need ability to style individual geoJSON entries
The configuration possibilities of the Map components GeoJSON layers has been expanded to allow style options for GeoJSON feature objects. The default schema of Polygon, Polyline, Rectangle, and Circle layers has been changed to align with how GeoJSON features are configured, and to help make configuration more straight forward. See docs for more.


3779: Unable to start Ignition with Turkish locale: "Cannot create PyString with non-byte value"
Ignition Gateway would not start for some locales, such as Turkish.

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Nightly Changelog: 8.1.15-b20220202


958: Add functionality to Tag Creator to Import Tags
New visualized import tool that allows users to:

  • See what is in a tag import file prior to import
  • Determine the exact location where a tag from an import file will be placed
  • Make adjustments to a tag(s) prior to importing from a file
  • Identify issues with a tag import and fix them prior to importing

1915: Password Field: Add Autocomplete Option to component
Two new props were added to TextField, TextArea, and PasswordField. props.autoComplete, and They are both used for the browser’s built in autoComplete functionality. Compliance and use by browsers varies greatly and may require some trial and setup within the browser to get working. Suggested values are given, but not all valid values are suggested via the props. Experimentation with specific browsers may be required to get the desired effect. See The HTML autocomplete attribute - HTML: HyperText Markup Language | MDN

In addition autocomplete=“off” has been hardcoded for the Dropdown component’s search input. A future enhancement may implement the autocomplete prop/HTML attribute for the Dropdown Component, but is not yet implemented.


5248: In Metrics System, runFunction calls not attributing time towards Execute metric
Fixed an issue that would cause execution time for some scripts (that are defined via a function, such as scheduled scripts) to not be properly recorded in the scripts.project-XXXX.execute metric. Previously, only the defining of the function was being attributed to the execution time (after compilation), not the actual invocation itself.

Known Issues

  • The current nightly has a known bug in Perspective Popup behavior, in which the Popup forces a page refresh, potentially breaking the page, and effectively breaking Popups. This issue is being worked on and will be resolved in the next nightly release.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.15-b2022020216


5375: Allow an Ignition project to be used as a Git repo (ignore .git folder)

Now automatically excluding .git, .hg, and .svn folders when scanning project files for changes.


5504: Dropdown Component: Autocomplete displays in the search field

Reverted most of IGN-1915 but kept the cosmetic additions to the dropdown component.

5463: Perspective pages can display TypeError when loading in older versions of Chromium

Prevented an error that would prevent Perspective from loading in older versions of Chrome that don’t support Promise.finally.


Nightly Changelog: 8.1.15-b20220204

Data Model

4844: Store and forward silently dropping historical records when table does not exist
Prevent Store and Forward from occasionally dropping historical records on database errors.


2426: Audit sync throws buffer full exception when syncing >250 records
Optimized audit log data so that these entries are grouped together when inserted into S&F memory buffer.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.15-b2022020410


4978: ‘Resulting message size is too large’ when opening very large Perspective view
Large views are no longer are subject to the websocket maximum message size limit when loading in the designer.

Visualization - Web

2513: Indirect tag binding property reference returns BrowseValue object if the value of the property is blank in Perspective
In indirect tag binding property reference will now return NOT_FOUND if the value of the property is empty.

5300: A Script Transform on an Expression Structure binding to the property of an Alarm Status Table executes many times when the Alarm Status Table is refreshed
Fixed issue that could cause bindings (and transforms) to execute many times when looking at array properties that are being re-written.

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