Nightly 8.1 Changelogs - 2022

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.15-b2022020716

Data Model

5278: Store and forward Local Cache exceeding 100%
Fixed an issue where the store and forward disk cache count was based on data points and not records.

5503: Grouping of tag history data within memory buffer causes severe degraded performance when disk cache is unavailable
Fixed an issue where newly inserted tag history data within the store and forward memory buffer would always be grouped with the previous stored in the buffer, causing only a single record to ever exist in the memory buffer. This would have effectively bypassed the max record size for the buffer since all history data would always group into one record.


5282: Improve Logging in GatewayCommUtil and the add gateway connection message when comm errors happen
Improved diagnostic/troubleshooting info available on the launchers when connecting to a new gateway.

Visualization - Web

1574: Designer is very slow to import extremely deep project trees, uses excessive resources
Significantly improved performance when importing complex projects in the designer.

4203: Alarm Status Table: Column widths reset to default with any interaction
The Alarm Status Table Component will now preserve column widths when selecting a row, or switching between “active” and “shelved” tabs.

5523: Map: vector click position properties are missing or throw an error
Map vector and marker click event position properties no longer missing, a regression fix.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.15-b20220208


4723 Add pointer events to Perspective component
Added Pointer events as a supported component event now that they are supported by all of Perspectives supported browsers. Pointer events will track touch interactions as well as stylus and pen interactions.

NOTE: Pointer events have only recently become available to all of our supported browsers. For this reason, these events may not be available in older versions of Safari and Firefox. If the events are not working in those instances, it is recommended to upgrade the browser to the most current version.

5379: Simple Gauge component properties
Simple Gauge Component: 3 new props added to props.label - offsetX, offsetY, and color. offsetX and offsetY are used for moving the label relative to its original position of middle-bottom and color specifies the fill color of the text within the label. For advanced users - additional props specified in props.label are automatically forwarded to AMCharts’s Label Component, allowing for functionality beyond what is defined in the Perspective component schema.


Nightly Changelog: 8.1.15-b20220209


5329: Remote pipeline does not stay active when failover occurs if triggered by a remote tag
Alarm notifications sent to a remote pipeline connected to a redundant pair would be lost from the pipeline after a redundant failover.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.15-b20220210


4957: Replace ua-parser-js library if possible, otherwise update to current known secure version
The ua-parser-js library was updated to the most current version.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.15-b20220212


5396: Gateway Network tasks can become orphaned after network issues
Fixed an issue where Active Outgoing Tasks on a given gateway network connection might become orphaned and remain in the list when not collected by a remote gateway (due to some network issue). Also added a periodic cleanup of stale pending messages (the messages that are cached via “CallResults” for retrieval by a remote gateway, typically associated with an orphaned outgoing task).


4659: Map Transform: Not returning errors for invalid expression tags bindings
Perspective’s map transform now correctly supports qualities on returned values.

3861: Perspective Session Launcher/Workstation Missing Applications due to NPE
Fixed a Null Pointer Exception that occurs when a Perspective view’s view.json is corrupted or invalid (0kb) which had prevented the listing of all applications- even ones with a valid view.json- within Perspective Workstation. An error will still be present in the logs on startup if a project has a view in this state, indicating which project and views were affected. It is possible to delete/recreate the affected views within the Designer.

5096: NPE with SimpleTable in reporting, unable to open the report design or preview
Avoiding an NPE from a misconfigured Reporting table causing the Designer to become unresponsive.

2099: Update gateway connection lost window
Improved the UI for the Designer and Client connection lost dialog.


5431: Upgrade the bundled JRE to 11.0.14
Updated the bundled java runtime to version 11.0.14.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.16-b20220215


2430: Page breaks for dataset grouping in report table not working
Fixed page breaks for dataset groupings in Reporting tables.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.16-b20220222


5134: Docker Image: Avoid forced recreation of gateway.xml on each launch
Docker image entrypoint will no longer forcibly recreate data/gateway.xml on each launch, allowing for settings adjustments from the gateway web UI to properly persist without static definition in the container configuration.


Nightly Changelog: 8.1.16-b20220223


4668: Map: Markers need Enabled property
Added new property “enabled” to markers on the map component to handle showing and hiding markers instead of having to use the opacity value which did not hide the marker shadow properly

2642: Perspective: Component custom methods that call project scripts do not get updated until reloaded when a project script is changed
Custom methods now correctly reference current implementation of project scripts that have changed.

4924: Table: props.rows.height is applied to rowGroup instead of row
Table Component row’s with props.rows.height to explicit heights (ie 30px) and containing subviews will no longer shrink when the subview is expanded.

1755: Translation setting to ignore capitalization doesn’t work in Perspective
Translation settings now apply to Perspective.


4041: EAM Agent Settings page wording is inconsistent with new agent wizard and can be misleading
Changed wordage for EAM Agent Settings description field to be more consistent with related descriptions.


3758: Identity Provider config page should refresh to the top of the page when saving config
Gateway Config Identity Providers and Projects pages will now scroll to the top when navigating within the page- ie between the edit and the list page.

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Nightly Changelog: 8.1.16-b20220224


5287: Reduce launcher attempts to comm with unnecessary gateways when starting up from a shortcut
Reduce all launchers’ unnecessary network I/O when launching Designers, Vision Clients, or Perspective Workstation Sessions from shortcuts.

5281: Memory leak in perspective (due to jetty)
Bumped Jetty version from 9.4.43.v20210629 to 9.4.45.v20220203 to fix a memory leak in Perspective due to a memory leak in Jetty’s web socket implementation


5171: Use deep equality for arrays in EqualityExpression
Equality Expressions now correctly evaluate Array equality by value, not by instance reference, making two Array instances equal if they are the same type, length, and hold the same values in the same order.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.16-b20220227


5542: Designer will not close after trial expired and a Web Browser vision component is open
The Vision web browser component no longer prevents the Designer from shutting down after the trial timer has expired.

Data Model

2882: Audit Remote Tag Writes
Remote Tag write, edit, move and deletes will now be audited.


2810: Logix devices remain connected on inactive Backup gateway
Logix devices no longer remain connected when gateway is inactive/cold.

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Nightly Changelog: 8.1.16-b20220228


5173: Alarm Status Table no longer has grid line visibility in 8.1.11
Vision Alarm Status Table now has an intercell spacing of 1px to make rows and columns easier to distinguish.


5490: Can’t launch Designer or Client from machine set to Turkish Locale
The Designer and Vision Client Launchers as well as Perspective Workstation now support the Turkish Locale.

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Weekly Changelog: 8.1.16-b20220301


997: Map: view markers flash or hide when zooming
The Map component’s view marker layer can be configured to remain visible while zooming.

783: Add a Tag Browse Tree component to Perspective
New component added. Check the docs site and forum post for additional information.


Weekly Changelog: 8.1.16-b20220302


4681: hide edge sync config page if license contains “edge-eam” plugin, but not enterprise or sync plugin
Edge sync config page is now hidden for incompatible licenses.

2422: Barcode Scanner Input: doesn’t seem to recognize/handle ASCII escape sequences
Barcode Scanner Input component has a new property captureMode that allows the user to set which key event to listen for where “keypress” is set as default for legacy support.


3222: Failure to transport full gw restore leaves redundancy in a bad state
Redundant backup will now retry to download gwbk from master if the first attempt fails.


5550: Hardcoded OPCUA endpoint discovery times out in 5 seconds
Use configured timeout values during endpoint discovery.

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Weekly Changelog: 8.1.16-b20220303

Data Model

5514: TagProviderImpl::shutdown doesn’t shut down its ExecutorService
Prevent TagProviderImpl from creating extra ExecutorServices.


326: English alternate translations don’t get loaded unless English explicitly selected for Alarm Status Table buttons
English (alternate) translations are no longer ignored by Vision components on Client startup.

Weekly Changelog: 8.1.16-b20220304

Data Model

5460: Query Tags can’t handle DateTime when using MySQL Connector/J 8.0.23 and above
Fixed Dates not working correctly from MySql Connector versions > 8.0.22.


4397: Vessel component initially loads incorrectly on iPhone
The Vessel Symbol’s liquid will no longer be upside down on initial load in iOS.

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Weekly Changelog: 8.1.16-b20220307


774: Style customizer doesn’t apply styles to template parameters or use them for drivers
Fixed an issue where the Style Customizer could not be used to react to (or drive) properties of a template instance.

3213: The Vision component scripting “Action Qualifiers” UIs should inform users when they are in use and display their configuration(s)
Redesigned the action qualifiers section of Vision component scripting


5052: Add the ability to copy Security Level Path to clipboard
Added the ability to copy the path of Security Levels in the Gateway > Config > Security Levels page.

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Weekly Changelog: 8.1.16-b20220308


5636: Deadlock on Backup gateway in redundant pair
Fixed potential thread deadlock on redundant backup node.

Data Model

5499: Power Chart: Pens with float values trend as integers when using a Transaction Group to trend different :/keyvalues when a :/keycolumn is specified
DB Table Historian can return incorrect data type (integer instead of floating point) when using multiple keycolumn values.


3209: Vision Password Field component bound bidirectionally to a string Memory tag misses input when user types too quickly
Added the boolean property rejectUpdatesDuringEdit to Visions Password component which matches that of other text input fields for Vision. Also fixed the tag drop config to actually wire up the binding of the text property.

5683: Equipment Schedule component tooltip incorrect, reusing tooltip from coordinate container
Updated the Equipment Schedule Component’s component pallet tooltip.

Weekly Changelog: 8.1.16-b20220310


5534: Add Perspective session count to EAM agent reporting metrics
EAM agent now reports the agent’s Perspective session count in a system tag.

1767: Redundancy Backup Transitioning to OutOfDate State on Failover
Fixed the issue where redundant backup would go to OutOfDate after two disconnect events with the redundant master within a short time window.


2136: Allow byte array as report parameters
Added binary data (byte arrays) as an allowed report parameter datatype.

2180: Vision Dropdown autopopulate erases user input
Fixed an issue with spurious autocompletion from the dropdown list component when mode was set to ‘Editable’.

5652: Vision: Spinner components doesn’t update ‘dateValue’ property correctly
Fixed bindings on the Vision Spinner component not updating properly when in Date mode.

Data Model

5512: Tag type in Tag Browser is different across servers reading from same remote tag provider
Having multiple designers open from a 7.9 gateway will now correctly browse 8.1 remote tag providers.

5154: Vision Tag History Binding querying remote provider for DateTime tag fails with NPE
Allow Tag History Vision Bindings to DateTime types from Remote History Providers.

Weekly Changelog: 8.1.16-b20220311

Data Model

IGN-5629 Assertion Step in SFCs does not write true to flag when ‘Set Flag’ is enabled and the conditions fail
Assert Step “Set Flag” mode always sets success flag.
Edits to Assertion conditions not marking chart dirty during save.

Weekly Changelog: 8.1.16-b20220311


4795: Load SAML Signature Verifying Keys and Certificates from IdP Metadata URL on an as-needed basis
Added a new opt-in feature to SAML IdPs for automatically reloading the latest trusted signature verifying certificates and keys from the IdP’s metadata XML URL as soon as an authentication response signed using an unknown certificate or key is encountered.

Data Model

5705: Upgrade Postgres JDBC driver version due to CVE
Upgraded Posgres JDBC driver from 42.2.23 to 42.3.3 due to CVE-2022-21724. Though the vulnerability is not easily exploitable in Ignition, the driver was upgraded as an extra layer of security out of an abundance of caution.