Nightly 8.1 Changelogs - 2023

Weekly Changelog: 8.1.27-b20230320-8.1.27-b20230323


5661: Named query workspace table browser reloads tables (on the EDT) every time the authoring tab is activated
Moved table and column metadata fetching in the Named Query workspace off the event dispatch thread to improve performance.

6142: Find / replace tool incorrectly changes script builder properties if multiple components have identical configurations
Fixed an issue where the find/replace tool would incorrectly overwrite multiple identical scripts on different Vision components.

6779: Designer "Select same type in Window" icon needs to be updated
Updated Vision "Edit->Select Same Type In Window" icon in Designer.

4572: Inconsistent Date formatting based on selection in tag display
Fixed inconsistent date format display when editing a date tag value in the tag browser


6980:Power Chart: Unable to set the color of the vertical bar of the axis
Fixed PowerChart's Y-Axis (vertical axis) color not changing.

7348: Perspective LED Displays show the number ‘0’ when value is blank
Fixed Perspective's LED Displays converting empty values to numeric 0. LED Displays can now also display spaces, leading and trailing spaces for numeric values.

5564: Perspective Map - Clicking the built-in recenter button triggers onMapClick component events
Perspective Map Component - Clicking the recenter button will no longer trigger any onMapClick events.

7248: Perspective Piping - Resizing a Percent Coordinate Container with invalid aspectRatio results in child components resizing differently than pipes
Perspective Piping has been updated such that its resizing behavior matches that of child components within a Percent Mode Coordinate Container with invalid Aspect Ratio.

6710: Add spellcheck boolean attribute to text areas, text fields, markdown component
Added a new spellcheck property for Perspective's Text Area and Text Field components.

7348: Perspective LED Displays show the number ‘0’ when value is blank
Fixed Perspective's LED Displays converting empty values to numeric 0. LED Displays can now also display spaces, leading and trailing spaces for numeric values.

Gateway Network

7276: Remote alarms lost when using two or more remote tag providers (that use subscribed alarm mode) that point to the same gateway
A gateway that had multiple remote tag providers pointing to the same remote gateway was not syncing some alarm events between the gateways.


5825: Alarm enabled property does not update immediately when bound to a UDT parameter
Fixed alarm properties to update their values when bound to UDT parameters.

Platform Core

6749: Allow specifying the timeout thresholds in GatewayInterface via System Properties
Allowing specifying gateway timeout thresholds via System Properties: ignition.gateway.connectTimeout, ignition.gateway.readTimeout, and ignition.gateway.opcBrowseTimeout.


7164: OPC subscriptions are not deleted after all OPC tags are removed from Tag Group
Ensure OPC subscriptions are deleted after all corresponding OPC tags are removed from the Tag Group.

7165: Cannot write to OPC document tag containing an array of structures
Support for writing struct array values represented as a Document tag.

7290: Support QualifiedValue in system.opc.writeValue[s] for OPC UA connections
Supplying a QualifiedValue to system.opc.writeValue now results in the corresponding severity StatusCode being included in the DataValue sent to the server.