Nightly 8.1 Changelogs - 2023

Weekly Changelog: 8.1.26-b20230217


7021: Perspective popups set to modal should not allow interaction with background views
Fixed issue of modals allowing for interaction with background views.

Weekly Changelog: 8.1.26-b20230220


2510: ConcurrentModificationException encountered in the designer when mass deleting or mass importing languages/translations
Fixed a ConcurrentModificationException being displayed when modifying Designer translations.


7021: Perspective popups set to modal should not allow interaction with background views
Fixed issue of modals allowing for interaction with background views.

Weekly Changelog: 8.1.26-b20230221

Gateway Network

6996: Improve gateway network message trace logging
The metro.CentralManager.MessageRouting logger will now log the data contained in each gateway network message when the logger is set to TRACE.


3536: Designer: Inline editing of text components on deep selection
Added designer inline text editing for the label component, and toggle switch, checkbox, button, and radio group component labels (when deep selected).

6975: Direct deep select a component
Alt + Shift + Click on a component in the designer will now directly deep select that component or container (containers are also components).


Weekly Changelog: 8.1.26-b20230222

Gateway Network

6591: Changing the gateway system name to Include brackets prevents a successful redundant connection
Fixed the Gateway system name containing brackets from causing a redundant connection to fault.


6486: Vision Client set to Read-only mode should allow writing to a Vision Client tag from a script like in 7.9
Fixed an issue that prevented scripts from writing to vision client tags when the client was in read-only mode.


4899: Script Console fails to load properly when Project Library scripts import site-packages libraries
The Script Console no longer fails to load when Project Library scripts import site-packages libraries.

Weekly Changelog: 8.1.26-b20230223

Gateway Network

6717: Docker Image: EAM_CONTROLLER_DATASOURCE env variable is not applied
Fixed an issue where some EAM properties might not get applied as expected when using environment variable configuration.


1391: Changes to secondary user sources in a failover chain do not take immediate effect
Fixed an issue where updating configuration for a user source would not apply to instances of that user source which are in position 2 or greater in a failover chain.

Web UI

3276: Remove 'n/a' from 'Detected NICs' status field
NICs without IPV4 formatted addresses will no longer be displayed in the Environment section of the Status page.


6556: NPE can occur on several selectors in tag editor when editing multiple tags
Fixed an issue where selector icons for "OPC Item Path" and "Source Tag Path" in the tag editor wouldn't work when multiple tags were being edited at the same time.

Weekly Changelog: 8.1.26-b20230224


6871: Map: Dropdown does not expand on focus or click when used inside of custom controls
Leaflet map component click zoom and drag pan interactions are disabled while interacting with custom control views in order to prevent unintentional map interactions and interfering with control interactions.


7029: Template doesn’t open from Double-Clicking Find/Replace Results
Fixed issue where opening template script from Find/Replace results failed if no Vision resources were open. Double-clicking on results caused NPE error and prevented opening of template and editor

Data & Logic

3551: Canceling Modifications To a Transaction Group OPC Tag Still Commits Changes
Fixed the Transaction Group editor committing edited fields when the editor is canceled.

Platform Core

5382: Remote Pipelines are not working when Edge is in trial mode
Remote pipelines now remain active when the Gateway is in trial mode while using Edge Sync.

Weekly Changelog: 8.1.26-b20230227

Gateway Network

6919: Add description to gateway network outgoing connections
Outgoing gateway network connections now have a description field that can be populated by the user.


6984: Perspective: Style Class not Properly Applied to Power Chart Title
Fixed the issue of style classes not being correctly applied to PowerChart's title in Perspective.

Platform Core

4753: Remove long, long, long deprecated 'Logfile Cleanup' thread
Removes long deprecated log file cleanup thread. This does not impact current logging functionality.


4640: Password Complexity Requirements Should Be Declared In Gateway
Add password criteria list to user edit form and password reset page.

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Weekly Changelog: 8.1.26-b20230228


1245: Add Shift + Click 'walk-through-components-at-mouse-position' selection behavior to Perspective
Added Designer walkthrough selection functionality via shift + click.

Platform Core

7188: Null exception thrown on 8.1.25 gateway shutdown
Fixed an exception being thrown on Gateway shutdown when trying to access the License manager.


6911: IP Camera Viewer is unable to locate certificate when using SSL
Now the IP Camera Viewer component uses the SSL context backed by trust store used by the vision client.

6760: Named Query "Cache Query Results" option has an empty tooltip
Fixed the tooltip for the Cache Query Result checkbox for Named Query.


Weekly Changelog: 8.1.26-b20230301


6724: Add initialize() extension function to 8.x+ Web Browser Component
Added the initialize() extension function to Web Browser Component


3997: Add Delete to Pipeline Block context menu
Added a "Delete" option on the alarm pipeline block context menu.

Weekly Changelog: 8.1.26-b20230303


7255: XPath expressions which select all nodes of an element by name fail after upgrade to 8.1.25
Fixed a SAML XPath regression which could cause a NPE for expression attribute mappers and security level rules.


7047: UDT Parameters do not handle Locales properly
UDT Parameters will correctly handle different Gateway locales


7279: Named Query "Cache Query Results" checkbox is enabled for Update Query type in Designer
Fixed a problem introduced with IGN-183 for NamedQuery readonly mode. Controls that provided input (textfield, eg) were not correctly enabled/disabled in non-readonly mode.


7109: Upgrade bundled JRE to 11.0.18
Upgraded bundled JRE to 11.0.18

Weekly Changelog: 8.1.27-b20230309


6991: Make plain-text XML format for serialized Vision Windows and Templates deterministic in order to have consistently diff-able files
Made Vision's serialization of bindings and other elements consistent and deterministic, to improve VCS compatibility when the XML serialization format is specified.


Weekly Changelog: 8.1.27-b20230317


7064: Perspective: Alarm Status Table’s filterAlarm function can lead to memory issues
Prevented threads from stacking up in alarm status and journal table queries when doing blocking work inside filter alarm extension function

Weekly Changelog: 8.1.27-b20230320-8.1.27-b20230323


5661: Named query workspace table browser reloads tables (on the EDT) every time the authoring tab is activated
Moved table and column metadata fetching in the Named Query workspace off the event dispatch thread to improve performance.

6142: Find / replace tool incorrectly changes script builder properties if multiple components have identical configurations
Fixed an issue where the find/replace tool would incorrectly overwrite multiple identical scripts on different Vision components.

6779: Designer "Select same type in Window" icon needs to be updated
Updated Vision "Edit->Select Same Type In Window" icon in Designer.

4572: Inconsistent Date formatting based on selection in tag display
Fixed inconsistent date format display when editing a date tag value in the tag browser


6980:Power Chart: Unable to set the color of the vertical bar of the axis
Fixed PowerChart's Y-Axis (vertical axis) color not changing.

7348: Perspective LED Displays show the number ‘0’ when value is blank
Fixed Perspective's LED Displays converting empty values to numeric 0. LED Displays can now also display spaces, leading and trailing spaces for numeric values.

5564: Perspective Map - Clicking the built-in recenter button triggers onMapClick component events
Perspective Map Component - Clicking the recenter button will no longer trigger any onMapClick events.

7248: Perspective Piping - Resizing a Percent Coordinate Container with invalid aspectRatio results in child components resizing differently than pipes
Perspective Piping has been updated such that its resizing behavior matches that of child components within a Percent Mode Coordinate Container with invalid Aspect Ratio.

6710: Add spellcheck boolean attribute to text areas, text fields, markdown component
Added a new spellcheck property for Perspective's Text Area and Text Field components.

7348: Perspective LED Displays show the number ‘0’ when value is blank
Fixed Perspective's LED Displays converting empty values to numeric 0. LED Displays can now also display spaces, leading and trailing spaces for numeric values.

Gateway Network

7276: Remote alarms lost when using two or more remote tag providers (that use subscribed alarm mode) that point to the same gateway
A gateway that had multiple remote tag providers pointing to the same remote gateway was not syncing some alarm events between the gateways.


5825: Alarm enabled property does not update immediately when bound to a UDT parameter
Fixed alarm properties to update their values when bound to UDT parameters.

Platform Core

6749: Allow specifying the timeout thresholds in GatewayInterface via System Properties
Allowing specifying gateway timeout thresholds via System Properties: ignition.gateway.connectTimeout, ignition.gateway.readTimeout, and ignition.gateway.opcBrowseTimeout.


7164: OPC subscriptions are not deleted after all OPC tags are removed from Tag Group
Ensure OPC subscriptions are deleted after all corresponding OPC tags are removed from the Tag Group.

7165: Cannot write to OPC document tag containing an array of structures
Support for writing struct array values represented as a Document tag.

7290: Support QualifiedValue in system.opc.writeValue[s] for OPC UA connections
Supplying a QualifiedValue to system.opc.writeValue now results in the corresponding severity StatusCode being included in the DataValue sent to the server.


Weekly Changelog: 8.1.27-b20230324


7060: Alarm Notification: Blank Remote Alarm Notification Profile causes NPE in Tag Editor
Fixed the tag editor from rendering incorrectly when a remote alarm notification profile with a blank "remote gateway" name was configured on the gateway.

Weekly Changelog: 8.1.27-b20230325


7409: Use StatusCodes received in writes to ExposedTagsNamespace
Allow OPC UA clients to attempt writes to exposed tags that include a StatusCode. The StatusCode is converted to an equivalent QualityCode and the write value is passed to the tag system as a QualifiedValue instead of a raw value.

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Weekly Changelog: 8.1.27-b20230327


7075: Add new setting to control UserInfo HTTP Request Method
Added a new setting to control which HTTP Request Method is used for UserInfo API calls (GET or POST).


4145: Perspective Trial Expired Launch Gateway button should go to /web/config
Fixed Perspective Trial Expired Launch Gateway button not redirecting to Gateway's Homepage (/web/home).


Weekly Changelog: 8.1.27-b20230328


7022:OPC Tags will not have History logged for Bad Quality due to Duplicate Timestamps
Don't use duplicate timestamps when OPC quality changes.


2525: Find/Replace not searching extension functions
Added component extension functions to find & replace in Vision.

5311: Allow specifying a direct user-data-dir value to chromium through JXBrowser for the Web Browser Component
Added two new system properties: ignition.jxBrowser.userDataDir.browser and ignition.jxBrowser.userDataDir.perspective. These replace the deprecated ignition.jxBrowser.userDataDir property and offer improved control and separation of user data directories.


5644: Warn user when insecure IdP URL settings are configured
URL based text fields in IDP configuration forms on the gateway will now have a warning validation if the url does not contain 'https://' to indicate that we suggest that it is used for security reasons.


7311:Sorting columns in the Tag Report Tool and double clicking tag brings up the wrong tag
Fixed an issue with the tag report tool where double-clicking a tag brings up the wrong tag if columns were sorted.


7237: New component custom methods may not be used by the component context menu
Component context menus are able to successfully find new custom component methods in client browser and design sessions.

Platform Core

7027: Auto-Backups: 2 minute default timer
Increased the default Gateway auto-backup time from 2 minutes to 60 minutes.

6519:Diagnostics Bundle: Jetty Server Dump
Added a Jetty server dump to the Gateway diagnostics bundle

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Nightly Changelog: 8.1.27-SNAPSHOT-b20230329



IGN-7239: Splash Banner prevents remote installs on windows machines
When installs on windows specify to use text mode or unattended installs with no GUI the splash panel is now hidden to better support installs where GUI is not supported.

Tag Historian

Store & Forward

IGN-4294: Add button to insert 'this' variable into Named Query binding parameters
Added a button labeled "This" for convenient insertion of the {this} variable into named query binding parameters



IGN-7262: Scheduled report audit records have an 'unknown' Originating Context, instead of Gateway
Fixed an issue where a scheduled report action was not paired with a gateway-scoped originating context in the audit events table.

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Nightly Changelog: 8.1.27-SNAPSHOT-b20230330



IGN-6605: 'Enabled' device system tag does not reflect actual enabled/disabled status
Fixed a bug where the [System]Gateway/Devices/{DEVICE_NAME}/Enabled tag does not reflect the actual enabled/disabled status after editing and saving the device connection.


User Sources

IGN-4641 Enable/Disable User sources
Adds the ability to disable a User source profile through a checkbox in the User source profile config.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.27-SNAPSHOT-b20230331



IGN-2969 PDF Images Display Poorly in Reporting's Vision Client PDF Viewer component
Improved quality of images displayed in the Vision PDF Viewer component

IGN-2822 Printing easy chart will render x-trace/mark at incorrect coordinates
Fixed an issue where the Chart and Easy Chart components would have the wrong data point selected when printed.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.27-SNAPSHOT-b20230404

Data & Logic

SQL Bridge

IGN-6737: Transaction Group trigger is not subscribed to when OPC data mode is set to Read.
Fixed Transaction Groups not subscribing to an OPC item trigger when the data mode is set to Read.

IGN-7133: Transaction Groups: OPC Items are Read outside of Trigger condition
Fixed Transaction Groups reading OPC items outside of a trigger condition when an OPC item trigger exists and the data mode is set to Read.


Alarm Notification

IGN-6065: Alarms from MQTT Transmitter-provided tags are not syncing properly
Alarm events from MQTT Transmitter-provided tags were not being synchronized to a third gateway via gateway network after gateway startup.



IGN-7444: Milo 0.6.9
Upgraded OPC UA SDK to version 0.6.9.