Nightly Changelog: 8.1.28-SNAPSHOT-b20230426
IGN-1339: Designer: Component Palette list/grid view button has no tooltip
Added tooltip to grid/list view button in Component Palette.
IGN-7415: Map: marker icon colors revert when icon path, style, or size is changed
Fixed an issue where marker icon colors were not being applied when either of the icon path, style, or size were changed.
IGN-6439: Can't get device status for a device with special characters in the name ('/', '&', etc...)
Fixed an issue where device names weren't being URL encoded when navigating to the device status details page.
Gateway Network
EAM & Redundancy
IGN-7256: EAM tasks routed through a proxy gateway instantly fail after a minute if the task is still in queue
Fixed issue where EAM long running tasks fail if the task data is still sitting in a pending transfer queue for more than 60 seconds
Nightly Changelog: 8.1.28-SNAPSHOT-b20230427
IGN-6259: Audit profile does not include user role information when an account is changed
Added user roles to auditing when adding or editing user profiles in the internal user source
IGN-4630: maximized easy chart in realtime mode still shows date editor on component startup
Fixed Easy Chart issue with inconsistent Spinner and Dropdown display when the chart was maximized and in real-time mode
IGN-1610: In Perspective, delete option for right-click menu on root container should be disabled
The Delete menu item in the context menu in Perspective is now disabled when a root container is selected.
Gateway Network
EAM & Redundancy
IGN-6824: EAM: Error sending project resource to agent if the project resources JSON string > 1048576 bytes
Fixed issue where EAM Send Project Resources task would fail when sending thousands of individual resources.