Nightly 8.1 Changelogs - 2023

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.27-SNAPSHOT-b20230405



IGN-7422: When 61850 driver disconnects from device, it is using a duplicate timestamp
Update ServerTime when sending DataValues with Uncertain_NoCommunicationLastUsableValue.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.27-SNAPSHOT-b20230406



IGN-6100: Perspective Popup resize handles are incorrectly identified in the DOM
Fixed misplaced CSS classes for popup resize handles in Perspective.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.27-SNAPSHOT-b20230407



IGN-6976 Events in Equipment Schedule component become pixelated when selected in client
Fixed an issue with Equipment Schedule components getting pixelated when selected in Designer client.

IGN-4183 Show Popup property on Vision charts doesn't always work
Fixed an issue with the Easy and Classic Vision charts' "show popup?" property, which caused inconsistent behavior.



IGN-7334 Pie Chart: High Browser CPU usage when using in a carousel component
Fixed Pie Chart's performance when embedded within Carousel components in Perspective.


Alarm Status

IGN-7053 Bad tag path in system.alarm.shelve() throws NPE
Fixed an issue where shelving an invalid remote alarm path would throw a NPE.

IGN-5474 Cannot shelve alarms from different remote providers at the same time
Fixed an issue where shelving multiple alarms together that belong to two different remote providers would result in only the shelving of the first alarm.

IGN-4827 Unshelving an Alarm before it expires will cause other shelved alarms to expire sooner than expected
Fixed an issue where unshelving an alarm with an earlier expiration than other shelved alarms would result in the latter alarms expiring at the old unshelved alarm expiration.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.28-SNAPSHOT-b20230411



IGN-6873 Add Parameter to configure mail.smtp.sendpartial

A new property is available for use. Setting ignition.smtp.sendpartial allows users to define the behavior in the case where an invalid notification email is provided for a user. If the value is set to true then email notifications will be sent to the valid emails provided for that user, and an exception will be logged for the failed emails. If set to false, no emails will be sent when an invalid email is provided. Value defaults to true, which is a change in behavior from previous versions.

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Nightly Changelog: 8.1.28-SNAPSHOT-b20230412



IGN-7340: system.util.jsonEncode doesn't handle Map containing BigDecimal value correctly
The function system.util.jsonEncode now returns a floating point value instead of a string when encoding BigDecimal Java types.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.28-SNAPSHOT-b20230417



IGN-6836: Vision: Setting the value property of a level indicator component with script throws read only attribute error
Fixed an issue that caused a "read-only" attribute error when setting the Level Indicator value property via script

IGN-6080: Month View Component Fails to Render New Column of Events
Fixed issue with Month View Component failing to create a new column for new events


IGN-7161: Transaction Group root folder should not have Rename option
Fixed an unintended behavior by removing the ability to rename the transaction group root node in the project browser



IGN-7287: Add 'Go to gateway' action to the Designer Launchers' list view
Designer Launchers' list view now includes a "Go to Gateway" action

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.28-SNAPSHOT-b20230419


Tags & UDTs

IGN-6830: Gateway Restart causes Store and Forward System tag configurations to reset back to default

Fixed an issue where tag configurations within Store & Forward system tags would reset upon gateway restart.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.28-SNAPSHOT-b20230420



IGN-7332: Perspective DateTime Picker: Modifying props.value directly doesn’t advance the calendar to the new date.
Fixed DateTimePicker Component not advancing the calendar to a new date when props.value was modified through the Designer, binding, or scripting.



IGN-3327: Touchscreen Keyboard Support for international formats
Overhauled Vision's Touchscreen Keyboard with support for custom and international formats, including French, German, Italian, and Spanish and a new, simplified English layout.

IGN-4841: User Management component's password entry is visible when Touch Screen mode is enabled
Fixed an issue where the touchscreen keyboard would not correctly hide the password if invoked from the user management component.


Nightly Changelog: 8.1.28-SNAPSHOT-b20230424



IGN-6569: Auto size table columns when dataset editor dialog opens
Fixed a problem with table columns in Dataset editor coming up fix-sized and not fitting to the table size.



IGN-7196: Add aria-label to icons in perspective task bar to help with iOS automation
Added aria-label attribute to the expand/collapse and exit icon in Perspective app task bar.

IGN-7550 Table: expand and collapse subviews callable scripts are confusing row index with row id
Correct row and rowIndex values of the expand and collapse subview events initiated by the Table's script callable methods expandSubviews and collapseSubviews.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.28-SNAPSHOT-b20230425

Tag Historian


IGN-6957: Named query comment parsing is too simple, fails to handle quoted strings
Fixed an issue where named queries that included double dash strings would fail to execute properly.



IGN-5830: Launcher's List/Card view option should persist
Added persistent launcher view preference feature, saving and using the last selected view (card or list) to the launcher's JSON across restarts

Gateway Network

EAM & Redundancy

IGN-6193: EAM Scheduled Tasks - Invalid Cron Expressions are misrepresented in the Expression Descriptor
When scheduling EAM tasks, regular expressions starting with "/", "-", or "," will no longer be considered valid. Previously starting with these characters caused the regex to have different behavior than the provided description said it would.

Data & Logic

SQL Bridge

IGN-6572: Transaction Group Errors against SQLServer DBs when custom index column matches a target name in the DB
Fixed "Ambiguous column name" error when Transaction Groups target an item that is also used as a custom index.



IGN-7430: Tab Strip: Tabs resize unexpectedly when making font changes in the tab strip customizer
Fixed an issue where Vision's tab strip customizer would resize tabs as fonts were changed in an inconsistent manner for selected/unselected tab configuration.

IGN-7464: Non-leaf vision client application menu item tooltip is not localizable (client)
Fixed an issue with some menu item tooltips in a Vision Client that cannot be localized.


Nightly Changelog: 8.1.28-SNAPSHOT-b20230426



IGN-1339: Designer: Component Palette list/grid view button has no tooltip
Added tooltip to grid/list view button in Component Palette.

IGN-7415: Map: marker icon colors revert when icon path, style, or size is changed
Fixed an issue where marker icon colors were not being applied when either of the icon path, style, or size were changed.



IGN-6439: Can't get device status for a device with special characters in the name ('/', '&', etc...)
Fixed an issue where device names weren't being URL encoded when navigating to the device status details page.

Gateway Network

EAM & Redundancy

IGN-7256: EAM tasks routed through a proxy gateway instantly fail after a minute if the task is still in queue
Fixed issue where EAM long running tasks fail if the task data is still sitting in a pending transfer queue for more than 60 seconds

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.28-SNAPSHOT-b20230427



IGN-6259: Audit profile does not include user role information when an account is changed
Added user roles to auditing when adding or editing user profiles in the internal user source



IGN-4630: maximized easy chart in realtime mode still shows date editor on component startup
Fixed Easy Chart issue with inconsistent Spinner and Dropdown display when the chart was maximized and in real-time mode



IGN-1610: In Perspective, delete option for right-click menu on root container should be disabled
The Delete menu item in the context menu in Perspective is now disabled when a root container is selected.

Gateway Network

EAM & Redundancy

IGN-6824: EAM: Error sending project resource to agent if the project resources JSON string > 1048576 bytes
Fixed issue where EAM Send Project Resources task would fail when sending thousands of individual resources.

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Nightly Changelog: 8.1.28-SNAPSHOT-b20230428


Alarm Status

IGN-4597: No alarm notifications on startup when using a query tag
Fixed an issue with alarms after a gateway restart to send out alarm notifications when "notify initial events" is set to true.



IGN-3688: Upgrade Miglayout to 5.1 when released
Updated the MigLayout layout engine to 11.1.



IGN-4655: Add CSS 'backgroundSize' to Perspective Style Editor - Background -> Advanced
Added a free-form text field for the CSS backgroundSize property in Perspective style editor.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.28-SNAPSHOT-b20230502



IGN-7545: NPE when clicking "Find" button in a Find/Replace context search menu
Fixed an issue where find/replace of components with no extension functions populated would throw a null pointer exception.



IGN-2967: Print contents of component, view, and page
Added new 'Request Print' component action and new 'requestPrint' script callable component method. Choose to print the page, the view, or the component. (Web only. Mobile app functionality pending.)


Nightly Changelog: 8.1.28-SNAPSHOT-b20230503



IGN-1281: Audit profile displays time stamp parsing error when saving data to local sqlite db
Fixed a SQLException preventing the Gateway audit logs being shown when using a SQLite database

Gateway Network

Gateway Network

IGN-7336: Gateway Network is proxying connection to virtual route when proxying is disabled
Fixed issue where gateway network would connect a proxy route to a redundant server even though proxy settings were set to not allow proxying.



IGN-1164: Report Module Table: fill property does not work when toggled
In Reporting, when a new version of table row is created, the row is selected by default rather than the components contained in the rows.
In Reporting, "Fill Color" properties now correctly shows null states when there is no selected color.


Tags & UDTs

IGN-7253: Add OR type property searches to the Tag Report Tool/system.tag.query
Tag Report Tool now supports OR groupings for property filters. Previously, users could only define one AND group.

Platform Core


IGN-7571: Bump Jetty Dependency to v10.0.15
Incremented Jetty server version to 10.0.15

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.28-SNAPSHOT-b20230504



IGN-7641: In Reporting, the Image control will not load images when image retrieval depends on URL queries
In Reporting, the Image component can now load images with URLs containing queries.

IGN-6115: Add configureChart hook to pie chart
Added "configureChart" to the report's pie chart, enabling users to modify the chart prior to rendering
Added "Show Chart Shadow" property to the report's pie chart, allowing users to toggle the background shadow

IGN-7480: Dividers in the Simple Table of the Report should not allow users to input values into their X and Y Properties.
Fixed some issues with X, Y, Width, and Height properties for tables in Report module being editable when they should be R/O

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.28-SNAPSHOT-b20230508



IGN-7096: Folder states for Inherited and Overridden folders are not reflective of the states of their children
Overridden resource folders in the Designer now correctly match their actual overridden state in the Project Browser

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.28-SNAPSHOT-b20230510



IGN-4262: Attempting to edit addresses on a disabled Omron NJ device throws a Wicket error
Resolved wicket error that occurred when editing addresses on a disabled Omron NJ device



IGN-5990: Upgrade node-fetch due to CVE
Node-fetch has been upgraded from version 1.7.3 to 3.2.3, and isomorphic-fetch, which has been around for a couple years, has been updated to the latest release. The gateway was successfully tested for browser compatibility using various browser versions, dating back to where the upgrade was introduced to each browser. All tests for IOS Versions on various iPhone models and Android Versions passed. Overall, recommissioning of the gateway was successful.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.28-SNAPSHOT-b20230512



IGN-7172: Modbus HR can not be written to as bool data type
Add support for writing to a Boolean OPC tag that is mapped to an integer datatype in the OPC server.
IGN-6219: Allow devices to be created Disabled via system.device.addDevice
Allow devices to be created in the disabled state via system.device.addDevice.


Tags & UDTs

IGN-7580: Memory Leak with LegacyRemappedListener
Fixed a memory leak when using legacy Alerting tag properties

Remote Tags

IGN-6510: Remote tag provider does not automatically reconnect after gateway restart
Fixed an issue with remote tag providers not automatically reconnecting after gateway restarts.

Tag Historian

Store & Forward

IGN-4238: Named Query testing interface needs date-picker for parameters
Added a DateTime picker dialog to the Named Queries Testing panel for better usability when setting DateTime value

Gateway Network

EAM & Redundancy

IGN-3044: system.eam.queryAgentHistory() row limit applies to earliest instead of latest rows.
When calling system.eam.queryAgentHistory(), the first N rows will be returned instead of the N most recent rows. This is to match the expected behavior of the method.

Platform Core


IGN-6515: Leased Activation Status should have provide more information via System Tags
Leased Activation license status information is now provided via System Tags.


IGN-1266: TypeUtilities#fromString not implemented correctly according to defined behavior
When converting from a string to a date, integer, float, or string the given locale will be taken into account. This allows, for example, the string to contain different date formats, such as accepting DD/MM/YYYY as opposed to the US standard of MM/DD/YYYY.



IGN-2367: Mitsubishi Driver
See forum post


Nightly Changelog: 8.1.29-SNAPSHOT-b20230515

Tag Historian

Tag Historian

IGN-7373: Tag History: Add Logging for vtype Generation for PPP Tables
Added better logging for monitoring of pre-processed tag history values.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.29-SNAPSHOT-b20230518



IGN-6600: Make roster description accessible through system.roster.getRoster(String)
The description of rosters is now available in the RosterModel returned from system.roster.getRoster(String).

IGN-4622:system.db.runNamedQuery should return PyDataSet
system.db.runNamedQuery now returns a PyDataSet where it used to return a Dataset. Return values of other types will not be affected. This change is backwards compatible.

Gateway Network

EAM & Redundancy

IGN-7421: Redundancy logger message has two variables in the wrong order
The two variables indicating versions were reversed in a log message, causing confusion. This change simply switches them. It is just a log message change with no side effects.

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